Where are you weakest at?


Well-known member
im weak in pretty much everything.I have pretty much no life do to my weakness not being able to interact with people to well if at all,. Terrible at holding converstion even with family and friends i feel very awkward and avoid talking as much as possible.Not being able to 100% honest with people and lying about how im feeling so not to upset set them.Talking on the phone is an other weakness sometimes i dread having to answer the phone.There are a ton more just dont feel like going on,just figuered id post something serious


Well-known member
my weaknesses:
1. speaking in front of a group
2. mingling among little-known people at a gathering/party
3. opening up personally to people I haven't known for a long time
4. having a sense of humor in public

my strengths:
1. arguing and intellectual discussions (or strictly business)
2. being social in small groups of people I know
3. asking for directions
4. pretty good at telephone calls


Well-known member
Jaixta said:
Asking for help when I need it

i can REALLY relate to that just today i spent the whole time in school walking around with a twisted ankle in a lot of pain just because i didnt want to initate a conversation.


New member
Public Speaking - I just hate doing that
Approaching People
Interviews - Especially Job Interviews
Joining in a conversation or Speaking my Mind


Well-known member
My weaknesses are public speaking, interviews, answering the phone/front door, confrontation of any kind, awkward contraptions, and doing things alone in public (although I love to be alone at home - go figure).


Well-known member
OK, here are the situations that I currently have anxiety in...

somedays, it's waiting in a queue at the supermarket, where I worry about people seeing the easily expressed nervous look on my face.
Somedays it has been just buying something at a shop, where I'm afraid that of anxiety so I'm anxious about being anxious ....gees that's funny!

At work, it was just sitting around my colleagues when I'm not talking to them: I find the anxiety building within (it gets 'broken' as soon as I talk)
When something emotive is going on, by which I mean, an emotional song is played on the radio -I'd get worried about reacting emotionally and appearing out-of-control, embarrassing my self as seeming childish.

And, I feel more self-concious and anxious when I have to fit in in any group and when I'm not already established within the group socially; and when there is some need or expectation for me to fit in.

I used to have fears about speaking to waiters in front of people who I feel the need to be accepted by. ANd I used to have trouble getting onto a bus where I'd be afraid of people watching me in case I'd get nervous talking to the bus driver.

By comparison, here are situations I rarely experience anxiety in...

-most parties and get togethers
-job interviews
- half the time I do pretty well in public speaking
- generally I am pretty confident talking with and chatting-up men
- talking one-to-one with anybody
-being around groups when I don't have a need or expectation to be accepted by them


Well-known member
Socializing with ppl i dont have alotin common with or Neighbors. Ive been very quiet and avoiding for years now and want to break the habit.

My brain races with doubt and fear of boring the peroson and when many give me eye contact when im speaking my brain almost shuts down. It depends however if im angry or really know about the subject im fine.

Small talk with certain ppl looking to improve please help..


Well-known member
Anywhere involving people :lol:

But I have no problems with:

Movie theaters (So nice and dark with no body watching me) :)


Well-known member
-I need to be more assertive. People say I'm too nice
-I need to talk louder because hardly anyone can hear me :(
-Need to get over this boy I like, so I can stop being nervous around him.


Well-known member
mine are:

Talking to strangers or even people i know
Being in a big and small group of people
Answering the phone and door.
When i do talk to people. I have trouble on how i should say things
Partying (i've never done it)
Public Speaking
I have trouble laughing when a stranger says/does something funny. It just comes out weird or not at all or i just smile.


Well-known member
work or school always seemed to be the worst places for me...it's like it's worse there because it's a crappy place that you HAVE to be at, and you'd rather cut your own eyes out than be there because there are almost always assholes there trying to make you miserable all the time...and there's just no way out.
in most other situations I either choose to be or not be in the place, or it's someplace that I don't have to spend a huge amount of time at...but school & work are places nobody really has any choice in unless you're fortunate enough to either be rich, or be able to do homeschool or work from home...i'm hoping my doll business works so I can work at home. 8O if not I don't know where I can work. :cry:


Well-known member
School- I can talk to other students (sometimes), but not when there's a huge group. And I wanna make conversations to teachers real bad, but there's some I can't really because I'm shy around them. I always blink a lot whenever a person comes straight to me or just passes by.


Well-known member

`talking to people i feel are "above" me

`talking to people i know but dont know know u know? lol

`parties/dance halls

`presenting things/speaking in front of the class

`talking on the phone to someone i dont talk that much or know too good