When your blatantly left out for no reason

I used to always go hiking at a state park a couple of hours away with my brother, his friend (who I really like) and his girlfriend (a weirdo) whenever they would go, it was always "We're going here, you wanna go?". We always have fun. As recently as a few months ago, my brother and his gf invited me to go and we all had a blast. But for the last two times, the three of them have come to our house, made sandwiches and gotten water together, and they don't invite me to come or say anything to me about it. LIke i'm literally the only other person in the house, sitting on my ass doing absolutely nothing, and they don't even ask me to go with them or say anything about it. It's clear that I'm not invited at all. Just come in, get their stuff, and pretty much ignore my presence, and leave. It's like, WTF!!! This really hurts my feelings and I can't believe how rude they are for doing this.

Anyone have similar instances of being left out and you don't get why?


Well-known member
Yeah that happens to me with the two sort of friends i have. They hang out all the time but i'm included very rarely. Sometimes i think the few times we do hang out are happening just because they feel bad for me. Who knows what people are really thinking though.


Well-known member
Can you ask your brother about it? Perhaps there was a misunderstanding and if the air is cleared everything will be like normal again?


Well-known member
Yeah. This happens to me quite a bit. You can do two things -- talk to them about it (if you care enough) or just give up on them. I guess you have to figure out how much you value your relationship, if you could even call it that.


Well-known member
That's happened to me before & it's always really hurt my feelings. It's happened ever since I was a kid. Sometimes, I think it's because people believe I would say no anyway, so they don't even ask, but other times, I don't know why they do it. But I've taken it personally & gotten really upset over it.
what is weird about her?

The girl has no personality and their relationship is STRANGE, to the unhealthy point. She's lived in our house for 5 months, and yet still doesn't even say "Hi" half the time when she walks in. And the thing is it's not like she's super shy either, if you get her talking she's perfectly normal and not awkward at all, and she has a ton of friends, but she makes no effort to be sociable with us. She is like a puppy dog who follows my bro around everywhere and he controls her completely. I kid you not, he was telling her that she doesn't floss her teeth enough and practically made her floss her teeth, and then when she started, he was like "No hon, you're not doing it right " and he started FLOSSING HER TEETH FOR HER!!!! For like five minutes, she just stood there, open-mouth, letting him floss her teeth. She throws her damn used, blood-soaked tampons on the top of our garbage can, unwrapped. She's lived at our house for months, and has never so much as offered to wash a dish.

But I have never ever been mean, or been anything less than nice to this girl, so that can't be the reason for them ignoring me

Okay, I got way off track there, but there you go lol!!!!


Well-known member
Well I went to Subway the other day and the worker was making my Sub then in the middle of everything she starts to have a conversation with the next person in line and gets all bubbly and chatty and starts to make his sub while she didn't even finish making mine. Even the guy customer said to her "oh you should finish making his sub first."