When is your BIRTHDAY, a fun experiment!!


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Sorry GUYS. I didn't know this thread was still going!! I apologize!!

Leos born on August 1 have a somewhat haughty personality but are lovable people. They need the validation of others, yet they are not likely to sacrifice their true self to that aim. These people set themselves a goal and go after it with little thought of how much time or effort it will require.

Leo Information
for August 1
You should embrace: High energy, pragmatism, generosity

You should avoid: Crass behavior, intolerance, poor personal choices

Friends and Lovers

August 1 natives have a real genius for creating interesting and fulfilling relationships. They have a difficult time finding partners who meet their needs and may need years to "settle down."

Children and Family

Because of their rebellious nature, August 1 individuals often separate early from their families. They are not greatly interested in becoming parents, since they often have demanding careers. However, if they enter parenthood, they tend to have a liberal attitude.


Because they have such a busy life, August 1 people rarely have problems with weight. They always seem to be on a diet, whether or not they need to reduce. If they wish to retain their good health, it's important that these folks grasp the dangers of weight-loss products.

Career and Finances

August 1 natives are highly competitive and go to great lengths to achieve their professional goals. They do well in advertising, marketing, and high-level financial management. They want to enjoy a great lifestyle and the security that comes with money in the bank.

Dreams and Goals

These individuals have great potential. Professional goals are usually met with ease. But they are not at their best in the domestic arena, partly because they need time to figure out what they want.

I feel like you know me better then I know me. I can honestly say that this description completely fits me, whether thats good or bad... im not sure yet. It did give me a good laugh though, like... it seriously describes me perfectly. It might have been a little brutally honest, but I probably could use some of that.


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Scorpios born on November 2 are stubborn individuals who possess emotional and spiritual stamina. Although they often seem quiet and introspective, they are fighters who support the status quo and expect it to support them. Every emotional scene in their lives is high drama. They do not enjoy being disagreed with and so often get their way.

Scorpio Information
for November 2
You should embrace: Fairness, good judgment, tenacity

You should avoid: Dogmatic attitudes, hypocrisy, possessiveness
Friends and Lovers

People born on this date are intensely loyal to their friends and demand similar loyalty. There are a great many control issues with them, which can be a challenge. In love, they can be very jealous. They love deeply so may not be aware of how controlling they can seem, even to those who love them in return.

Children and Family

Like many Scorpios, November 2 people are plugged into childhood memories. The past is not dead to them -- it affects their lives every day. Though they want to see their children become independent, they may be clinging and demanding. This is usually done out of love, yet it can create a rift between parent and child.


People born on this date are iconoclasts when it comes to their health. They understand the value of exercise and proper eating and generally obey these rules, but on their own terms. They enjoy solitary sports such as running or hiking. They pursue these interests less for physical exercise than for a need to be alone with their thoughts.

Career and Finances

People born on this date have talent for acting, speech making, speech writing, teaching, and creative work. They are often religious and may seek to work within their faith. Money rarely tempts them to do something they prefer not to do. They're dedicated to ideas, not their pocketbook. Because they prefer to live simply, they may appear parsimonious. In truth, they're generous.

Dreams and Goals

November 2 people see every aspect of life as a battle to be won, a challenge to be overcome. They have high standards and want to do everything on their own. While most people welcome a little good luck, November 2 people don't feel as if they have earned their goals unless they have been forced to suffer to attain them.


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Virgos born on September 13 are style setters in their own way. Their cool, collected attitude marks them as winners. They do not typify the usual Virgo traits of caution and conservatism; they're more likely to walk on the wild side.

Virgo Information
for September 13
You should embrace: Irony, high energy, personal choice

You should avoid: Conceit, envy, being overly sensitive

Friends and Lovers

Loners by temperament, September 13 individuals surround themselves with interesting people. For partners, they favor people who have a sense of their own power and specialness. Yet they often find true happiness with someone who is quite different.

Children and Family

People born on September 13 are often opposed to the attitudes they grew up with. They aren't drawn to parenthood; the idea of molding a child is hard for them to appreciate. Those who do become parents are likely to depend on a spouse to maintain discipline.


People born on September 13 are high-strung and nervous. They may suffer from chronic tension headaches and often wake up throughout the night. In order to create a sense of calm, they need to restrict certain habits such as playing video games or watching TV before bedtime.

Career and Finances

People born on September 13 often choose unusual occupations or professions. They have no patience for status and select their life's work with no thought of it. They are uninterested in money, though they have a tendency to spend heavily at times. They may have a penchant for games of chance but should avoid them.

Dreams and Goals

The men and women born on September 13 change their goals almost as often as they change jobs. They have a sense of what they want to accomplish, yet their plans may be indefinite. They are happiest when left to pursue what they feel is right for them. They prize independence, originality, and the ability to be themselves.