When is your BIRTHDAY, a fun experiment!!

Off The Wall

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December 22.

I usually find that they are somewhat correct, but then if you read everyone elses you could probably relate theirs to your life aswell. Like going through all the ones you've posted i could pick something out of them that relates to me.. and i'd be like oh cool i can't believe its true! haha...

i was a believer in this stuff actually, half still am i spose...


Well-known member
i am cancer too and boy did that original post sound similar to me. i use to not belive in these kinda things but once i started reading them so far alot of it has related back to me. and so june, 29th


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Although they need a great deal of personal validation, Geminis born June 11 possess an ego strong enough to support their grandiose ambitions. They possess superb leadership qualities and have the potential to make a difference in the world.

Gemini Information
for June 11
You should embrace: Calm, happy memories, yourself the way you are

You should avoid: Going to extremes, dogmatic behavior, hypocrisy
Friends and Lovers

June 11 people are basically loners who prefer the company of a few close friends to a wide variety of pals. They are extremely romantic and fall in love many times. However, they want love to be more than it is and frequently draw controversy into their love lives without even realizing what they are doing.

Children and Family

June 11 natives have a great belief in family values. They tend to pursue a strong interest in family matters long after they have left home. As parents, they are concerned about doing their best. Although they may be committed to career responsibilities, they try hard to make time for family life.


Because of their somewhat moody disposition, June 11 people may suffer from real or imagined ailments brought on by their emotions. These health problems usually abate when they are happy. Some deal with their emotions by eating or drinking too much. It is important for them to learn to protect their emotional well-being from these tendencies.

Career and Finances

June 11 individuals like to lose themselves in creative occupations that give them the opportunity to express their inner dreams and fears. Because they are not ambitious in the traditional sense, they can benefit from the help and advice of a mentor.

Dreams and Goals

June 11 natives are often daydreamers and not particularly goal-oriented. They're more likely to "feel" rather than "know" how to go about making their dreams come true. However, they have faith in their abilities and work hard to make their dreams come alive.


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Leos born on August 3 have star quality. Like most people who have an extroverted nature, they are talkative and friendly. They also are extremely ambitious. They work tirelessly toward their goals and do whatever they can to better themselves. They possess great personal charm and are deeply committed to causes that benefit others.

Leo Information
for August 3
You should embrace: Warmth, good advice, moderation

You should avoid: Family discord, jealous friends, overindulgence

Friends and Lovers

Even though they have an engaging personality, August 3 natives may have trouble making friends, usually because they have so many talents and so much appeal that it's easy for others to be jealous of them. In love, they adore the courting ritual. But when it comes to actually working at a relationship, personal commitment isn't their strong suit.

Children and Family

August 3 people have enormous pride in their ancestors as well as the members of their immediate family unit. They identify strongly with those who came before them. They are usually very involved in the upbringing of their children. They especially enjoy setting a positive example.


Most August 3 people have robust good health. They are good about sticking to an ambitious exercise regimen. Although they may be less careful about their eating habits, they prefer a generally balanced diet.

Career and Finances

August 3 individuals have a great deal of creativity and are likely to seek careers where they can indulge this ability. They are good speakers and motivators, which makes them effective in any sales position. They also make exceptional actors, teachers, media personnel, and lawyers. When it comes to making budgetary and savings commitments, they tend to be disinterested.

Dreams and Goals

Career success is a must for these individuals, and it is to these ends that they are most likely to put their efforts. They often have the need to be a pillar of their community, and for this reason they are likely to become involved in local projects.


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There is a hard edge of reality to a Pisces born on March 17, even though he or she is sensitive. They are often talented, yet they can transcend their greatness and see the practical side of life. They are enlivened by this dichotomy. They know that however complicated and demanding their life is, they have the option to turn a blind eye to it.

Pisces Information
for March 17
You should embrace: Objectivity, fun, appreciation

You should avoid: Defensiveness, fatalism, wasting resources
Friends and Lovers

People born on this date often find their greatest challenges in relationships. Those who seem to be their friends are sometimes not as loyal as March 17 people have the right to expect them to be. Being drawn into major conflicts in love is fairly commonplace. They tend to let themselves be managed in romantic matters.

Children and Family

Those born on this date often spend their growing-up years in a sheltered environment. Starting life as a "princess" or "fair-haired boy" has its privileges, but in most cases it delays maturation. They want to expose their youngsters to a more realistic view of life and so craft an upbringing that is short on fantasy, long on truth.


March 17 people require a lot of calcium and iron in their diet. They already know the value of daily exercise. Naturally slim, they may have concerns about an inherited condition such as arthritis.

Career and Finances

March 17 people must follow the dictates of their heart in making career choices. They have a need to play out their innermost fantasies through their work. Financial security is a serious matter to them. These individuals want their loved ones to have the comforts of life.

Dreams and Goals

March 17 people are concerned with bringing together their dreamy side as well as their practical side. Since relationships generally constitute the most challenging part of life for them, they may need to set specific goals that address these conflicts. The people born on this day vacillate between being incurable romantics and hard-boiled cynics.


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A Capricorn born on December 22 has great sensitivity under a shell of pretend indifference. They are emotionally vulnerable and are sometimes shy about others seeing who they are. Attractive and charming, they are often more complicated than others realize. They are intelligent, though it may be as hard for them to accept their talents as their limitations.

Capricorn Information for December 22
You should embrace:
Hard work, intensity, truth

You should avoid:
Guilt, self-centeredness, a lack of healthy ego
Friends and Lovers

Although their circle of friends is likely to be small, people born on this day derive a great deal of happiness and emotional security from these relationships. They want to love deeply yet are afraid of the pain a broken relationship can inflict. It's only when they learn to blindly trust their feelings that they find the perfect mate.

Children and Family

These people have a somewhat old-fashioned view of family life; their idealistic view of their upbringing is likely to stay with them. They have no trouble relating to children emotionally. They make excellent parents but find it difficult to be disciplinarian and "buddy," so they may depend on a spouse to handle punishments.


December 22 natives are constantly changing their views on nutrition and health. Because they naturally remain slim, they can misinterpret what constitutes a healthy diet. Women born on this date may have issues with food. Learning not to be afraid of the emotions that food can trigger requires therapy, not willpower.

Career and Finances

December 22 people take their career responsibilities seriously and are likely to have a reputation for being workaholics. This isn't negative unless they work in order to avoid issues in their lives, especially relationship issues. Maintaining their lifestyle takes considerable resources. Fortunately, they can handle this perfectly.

Dreams and Goals

December 22 natives are often shy about revealing their goals, in case of failure. Being able to "have it all" is their dream; they have seen too many others make sacrifices for career success that ended in unhappy personal lives. They don't want to lose what they have at home but are unwilling to give up on career success.


Well-known member
Happy belated BDAY!!

A Pisces born on March 11 has the temperament of an artisan. These gentle yet determined souls follow a personal path throughout life. They are drawn to extremes, and whether or not these have a positive effect, March 11 people will learn the lessons they need to learn. They are sticklers for truth.

Pisces Information
for March 11
You should embrace: Fascination, enchantment, mystery

You should avoid: Distractions, pettiness, worry
Friends and Lovers

March 11 people command love and
affection from friends. They are experts at being able to bring disparate people into the same orbit. As lovers, they can be demanding. They have specific ideas about what they want and are not flexible about change. If a romantic relationship breaks up, they may have a hard time moving on.

Children and Family

March 11 individuals maintain a cordial, if somewhat distant, relationship with family members, though they possess a deep respect for the values that guided their development as children. They want to give their youngsters a strong spiritual base, as well as providing exposure to life's intangible values.


March 11 men and women appreciate the need to protect their health by preserving harmony in all areas of life. Putting aside time for reflection and meditation helps them retain their emotional and physical equilibrium. They derive inner peace from getting in touch with their core self.

Career and Finances

People born on this date are not particularly career-driven, though they do have a need to express their values and views by way of their profession. They often have a careless, even irresponsible, attitude toward money.

Dreams and Goals

March 11 individuals are committed to finding inner peace. They have pacifist tendencies yet are quietly heroic. They want to succeed in life yet are aware that success can be measured in many ways. Remaining true to their spiritual compass is a major issue for them.


Well-known member
Happy belated BDAY!!

A Pisces born on March 8 is a fascinating combination of cynic and mystic. They have a deep psychic consciousness, and they may prefer to spend their time pursuing humanitarian aims. Though able to see the best in humankind, they are distrustful in personal relationships.

Pisces Information
for March 8
You should embrace: Security, providence, gentility

You should avoid: Fear, compromise, an unforgiving nature
Friends and Lovers

March 8 individuals may have few close friends, but they are totally devoted to them. They prefer to conduct relationships on an emotionally intense level. When they fall in love, they give their whole heart. They are interested in creating a relationship that will survive the test of time.

Children and Family

People born on this date may never fit in to their family and typically experience ambivalence toward family members. As parents, they are aware of a difference in temperament between themselves and their offspring. Not wanting to impose themselves, they may prefer a more casual approach toward childrearing.


March 8 men and women have a stubborn, extremist streak that often causes them to follow an unusual diet or health regimen. They're particularly devoted to fasting. They are not particularly devoted to exercise and prefer to be involved in useful physical tasks.

Career and Finances

Because of the dichotomy in their nature, March 8 people may reach adulthood undecided about their path and may choose a lengthy academic career. Financial security is important to them, which is generally a reaction to wanting the best for their loved ones.

Dreams and Goals

March 8 men and women may have a hard time admitting that they feel a need to reconcile the two sides of their nature. Once they select a lifestyle, they generally stick with it, allowing that side of their personality to "win out" over the other.


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There is something almost preternaturally sensitive about June 29 Cancers. They are ruled by emotion and refuse to give up their idealism even in the face of facts and realism. Yet they are more determined than their nature makes them seem. They have a great reservoir of faith and strength.

Cancer Information
for June 29
You should embrace: Time for yourself, rules, exhilaration

You should avoid: Guilt, self-doubt, needy people
Friends and Lovers

Where matters of friendship and love are concerned, June 29 people can sometimes be their own worst enemies. They have a tendency to surround themselves with fair-weather friends who do not deserve their patronage. They have a great capacity for love but should be careful to whom they give their heart.

Children and Family

June 29 individuals are likely to have a powerful connection to their original family. In romantic matters, a June 29 man is apt to look for a wife who echoes traits of his mother, while a June 29 woman may subconsciously seek to repeat her mother's actions.


Weight gain can be a serious concern for June 29 individuals, since they have a tendency to eat heartily. Regular exercise is a must for these individuals. They may not enjoy doing anything too strenuous, but even a daily walk can help to keep them in good physical condition.

Career and Finances

Although June 29 people may wish to pursue a creative field, they may be afraid that such an endeavor will not bring the sort of secure financial reward they require. When they have saved enough money to invest in their creative future they are likely to strike out in new career directions.

Dreams and Goals

The most cherished goals of many June 29 individuals relate to their creative talents. Although they wish to perfect these talents, and believe in them, they often lack confidence in their ability to succeed. They are unselfish and are always involved in some activity that brings hope or inspiration to others.


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July 14 Cancers are quick-witted, highly verbal, and prone to react in a haughty manner when crossed. Although social and fun-loving, they are more serious than they appear. They understand the structure needed to maintain tradition.

Cancer Information
for July 14
You should embrace: Distinction, dedication to duty, acceptance

You should avoid: Feelings of inferiority, inertia, doubts
Friends and Lovers

July 14 people are likely to feel especially close to someone who has acted as a mentor to them. In love, either they met their partner through an unusual set of circumstances or they persevered through difficult times in order to keep their marriage or relationship together.

Children and Family

Whether they are aware of the fact, July 14 folks have a desire to constantly reconnect with their upbringing. They have great respect for their parents. As parents, they are often far too permissive. They believe a child should have maximum freedom to develop his or her own potential without interference from parents.


July 14 natives are hard workers and may suffer the effects of stress as a result. They often complain of severe headaches--usually the result of too much work and too little recreation. During periods of calm, the headaches generally disappear.

Career and Finances

With their gift of gab, July 14 individuals make good lawyers, professors, and journalists. Money does not come easily to these people--they may have to work hard to achieve financial security. Yet once they do, their situation is likely to remain fixed.

Dreams and Goals

As long as July 14 people have a means to express themselves, they're content. If they do receive some measure of praise or acceptance for their beliefs, it's just frosting on the cake.
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Talented yet erratic, a Pisces born on March 13 has a reputation for being high-strung. Although generous, they may have trouble accommodating the views and needs of others. They have their way of doing things and refuse to be roped into the conventional approach. They are intelligent individuals who seldom question their own judgment.

Pisces Information
for March 13
You should embrace: Popularity, justice, normalcy

You should avoid: Resentments, mistrust, meddling
Friends and Lovers

Though they generally have a large circle
of friends, March 13 people respect the emotional boundaries of others and demand that their friends give them the same. They even manage to keep some emotional distance from a lover or mate.

Children and Family

While people born on this date may have happy memories of their upbringing, they are unlikely to subscribe to a religious code they were taught. They understand the need to provide knowledge to their youngsters but always stress that parents aren't perfect.


March 13 people have little interest in conventional exercise, preferring to lead an active lifestyle. These people love to take long walks, and they enjoy sports. March 13 people may embrace a fad diet or two during their lifetime but generally prefer to eat what they like.

Career and Finances

It takes a lot to keep March 13 people involved and interested. They need to be emotionally engaged in their work. They have a sense of adventure and are not afraid to strike out in a different direction. Although their financial situation is often in flux, they always seem able to ride out the lean times.

Dreams and Goals

March 13 men and women are not as committed to achieving goals as they are to achieving goals their own way. They have a strong sense of self and will not allow themselves to be managed. They never concern themselves with the reasons they cannot succeed at a goal, only why they can.


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Libras born on October 10 play by the rules. They have a good sense of self and care a great deal about their reputation. They may lack humility but are never gauche enough to show it. They have the ability to command respect from others by exerting their own brand of subtle charm, which is completely irresistible.

Libra Information
for October 10
You should embrace: Wise use of power, unselfish motives,

You should avoid: Hesitation,
dishonesty, losing faith
Friends and Lovers

October 10 people do not enjoy the role of peacemaker. If they have a problem with a friend's opinion, they will speak their mind regardless of the consequences. They are equally forceful in romance. They usually take the initiative and go after what they want.

Children and Family

People born on this date may not be able to come to grips with some unhappy incidents of their past. They make good parents, though they are likely to be somewhat unsure of what they are bringing to the experience. It takes them a while to become accustomed to sacrificing their private time for a child.


People born on this date take a strong stand in matters of health and nutrition. They are constantly exploring ways to optimize their physical, spiritual, and emotional well-being. They are big on exercise and favor a varied diet.

Career and Finances

Because they prefer to be in positions of power, October 10 men and women often choose careers in business, management, and retail. They have an eye for knowing what the public wants. They are good money managers who are concerned with financial security.

Dreams and Goals

These men and women need to feel as if they are constantly moving forward in their lives. Because they are ambitious, they are sometimes forced to spend more time away from loved ones than they prefer. Yet once they have attained certain career goals they are careful to make up for lost time with the people they love.


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A Pisces born on February 25 is in tune with the world around him or her. They may possess an amazing psychic sensitivity that causes them to be drawn to a study of supernatural and occult wisdom. They are most powerful when they put their talents toward a cause greater than themselves.

Pisces Information
for February 25
You should embrace: Partnership, joy, living in the moment

You should avoid: Instability, conceit, distractions
Friends and Lovers

February 25 people favor a small group of close friends. They are likely to be mistrustful of social relationships. Many keep the same friends for years -- even for life. They need
to experience one wild romance and are attracted to people who share their mystical sensibilities.

Children and Family

February 25 individuals have scrappy but loving relationships with family members. Problems may relate to differences of opinion but are not strong enough to cause dissension. As parents, they strive to give their children more than material advantages. They wish to show their youngsters life's limitless possibilities.


February 25 individuals have a casual attitude toward keeping fit. Although they understand the need to keep their spiritual and physical energies in balance, they may lack the discipline to carry this out. When something becomes trendy, they're likely to get involved, notably with newly chic forms of exercise and diet.

Career and Finances

People born on this date have an instinct for understanding and empathizing with the problems of others. Their sensitivity makes them ideal counselors and therapists. They aren't motivated to make a lot of money, though they often fret about financial security.

Dreams and Goals

February 25 people look for ways to reconcile their psychic sensitivity with common-sense goals. They are ruled by instinct and intuition yet appreciate an intellectual viewpoint. When they balance these, they find what they want. Because their goals often change with their moods, they search for new challenges and horizons.


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Virgos born on September 14 embody the spirit of Virgo perfectionism and criticism. These complex and demanding people can be difficult to live with, but no one can doubt their sincerity. They have a humanitarian streak and always like to make an important contribution to society through their work or life-efforts.

Virgo Information
on September 14
You should embrace: Ambition, crusading spirit, vitality

You should avoid: Stubbornness, fear of commitment, stress

Friends and Lovers

People born on September 14 don't ask a lot of their friends, but they expect the same level of loyalty and concern they give. They are also steadfast in their romantic relationships. When they decide to get married, they are secure in their decision.

Children and Family

Family life makes many demands upon September 14 people; they often find themselves in a position where other family members are able to take advantage of them. They are judicious parents and are concerned with teaching their children ethical behavior and a sense of obligation to others.


People born on September 14 are preoccupied with health and fitness. But while they are likely to epitomize good health, they are constantly worried about it. They usually favor a varied routine. They eat sparingly and are often vegetarians.

Career and Finances

September 14 individuals have many talents. Dedicated and professional, they do their jobs well and go to great lengths to be valuable to the company that employs them. They wonder what it would be like to have their own business, though they may lack the confidence to strike out on their own. If they invest, their instincts are likely to be good, if narrow.

Dreams and Goals

September 14 individuals believe in doing a good job. They constantly aspire to perfection and feel insecure about their efforts if they fall short of that mark. One of their goals is to harmonically balance their professional and personal sides of their lives. This is a difficult achievement, yet the people born on this day try hard to make it possible.

It's off on a few things but that's pretty close most of the time lol.