Me too bro^that's me, top right
Thanks Phoenixx, I appreciate itThat's so rough, Pug. I'm so sorry.It sucks feeling like you're stuck in a void with no way out. I hope things can get better for you soon.
I can sympathize. This will also be me when it comes time for either of my parents. It's hard. Especially as a young adult with older parents. I'm always the go-to person when things happen with my mom. My dad can't be bothered to be away from work and my brother is too narcissistic half the time to care about anyone other than himself too. My mom's biological and step-siblings are also all too dumb for me to even remotely feel comfortable with any involvement. It's hard, it's heavy, but someone's gotta do it because if you don't, no one will.I'm so despondent at the moment.. my mum has terminal cancer, not long to go. Most of my siblings and other relatives are fking hopeless and care only about themselves. So it falls to me to do what needs to be done. At least my mum feels secure in some sense, knowing I'm competent enough to look after things for her.
It's hard to have these talks, but they are important, like you said. My parents have already had talks between both of them over what will happen to their property and possessions between my brother and I once they pass on. They never stated anything official, but I have an inkling they already made up a will. Surprising to me, since they can't seem to even talk to each other or agree on anything any other time in their lives. But my mother has had these talks with me a handful of times in the last year or so. I think with her health problems, and my dad in his senior years now (and hopefully close to actually retiring), they want to be prepared. But even despite these talks, I know the brunt of it will fall to my shoulders. I'm the "responsible" one after all.I've had to have some really tough conversations with her. It's a hard thing talking to your mother about her impending death. Last week I had to ask her what she wanted to have done with her possessions. I think I dissociated emotionally when we were discussing these things. I mean, I was there, I was present. I needed to pay attention to what she was saying, it was important. But I almost felt like I was in a dream too. Perhaps my mind was protecting itself from the emotions because I needed to get things done.
It's funny ya know, when the time comes and your parents die you can almost feel the wheel of time turning.
Thanks Phoenixx, I really appreciate your post. I don't have anyone around me I feel I can confide in, so your thoughts are very much welcome and appreciated.I can sympathize. This will also be me when it comes time for either of my parents. It's hard. Especially as a young adult with older parents. I'm always the go-to person when things happen with my mom. My dad can't be bothered to be away from work and my brother is too narcissistic half the time to care about anyone other than himself too. My mom's biological and step-siblings are also all too dumb for me to even remotely feel comfortable with any involvement. It's hard, it's heavy, but someone's gotta do it because if you don't, no one will.
It's hard to have these talks, but they are important, like you said. My parents have already had talks between both of them over what will happen to their property and possessions between my brother and I once they pass on. They never stated anything official, but I have an inkling they already made up a will. Surprising to me, since they can't seem to even talk to each other or agree on anything any other time in their lives. But my mother has had these talks with me a handful of times in the last year or so. I think with her health problems, and my dad in his senior years now (and hopefully close to actually retiring), they want to be prepared. But even despite these talks, I know the brunt of it will fall to my shoulders. I'm the "responsible" one after all.
But alas, I'm really sorry to hear what your mom's going through and what you also have to endure.
I feel similar to you. I feel I'm not being very useful since I'm waiting to get off my medications in order to try an adaptogen and nervine tonic and relaxant for my anxietyHaving another go at therapy.. I can't do this on my own. "This" being life.
I feel like a shell, a ghost.. marking time. I find solace in knowing death is not death, but simply a return to what I was before, a part of the universe.
Maybe my atoms and elements will be recycled into something useful next time.
Did this help you, Pug?I feel similar to you. I feel I'm not being very useful since I'm waiting to get off my medications in order to try an adaptogen and nervine tonic and relaxant for my anxietybut I felt pretty good today about getting up and cooking breakfast for my mom and I this morning: eggs with oregano, garlic powder, soy sauce, turmeric, curry powder and black pepper with tomato and garlic hummus on a multi-grain bread. If you have motivation which I currently lack because of one of my medications but which I still do the easier things, you can do things that make you more useful such as sweeping the floor, helping others, buying some stuff to cook or going out and enjoying yourself with eating and drinking. Hope this helps.