What's your most embarrassing SA moment?


Hie yer hence from me heath!
Aw, SO many embarassing SA moments for me. Where do ah begin?

Moments where ah've wanted to speak but can't because no words come out and ma mind's blank. Those usually end up being quite embarrasing for me. The time I saw the American stand-up comedienne Janeane Garofalo perform her stand-up show at the Guilded Balloon Theatre in Edinburgh, Scotland, during the first night of her week long run at the venue as part of the Edinburgh Festival Fringe, back in August 2009, comes to mind. Though, lookin' back in retrospect, that was a more funny than embarrassing incident.


Well-known member
I felt incredibly awkward walking down the hallways of my school when it was just me and one or two other people walking together.

A girl I knew, her name was Delani and a girl I only knew of (dont think she knew my name) named Shannon.

Delani said, "Hi (my name)"...and my dumbass mistakenly said "Hi shan....I mean Delani"
They both laughed. Shannon was popular/hot so it was even worse!

Oh well, kind of funny to me now. Just a story on the lighter side of things.
Could probably think of something embarrassing and not funny...but I won't lol.