What's Your Crutch?

Ex-smoker. I don't really drink now either, can't deal with hangovers. I am starting to see that I am a binge eater though. This is something that has slipped into my awareness only very recently...


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Alcohol. Of course I've cut down considerably. Somedays however are just unbearable....


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Math and over-analyzing situations so as to distance myself and give myself a sense of control in understanding how they work.

That's not loneliness/fear/pain, it's just an emergent property of millions of coupled, harmonic-oscillators... if you can model the simple case, you'll better understand how you 'feel', hippiechild, you cancerous state of matter youuuu XOXO :)


Significant change

Eating habits. Comfort food. It matters what's in store and the plan for fetching it

Always lived by a new motto from a key friend at uni who regularly went to the gym with her close man, saying to ignore diet. Exercise hard and eat what you want. Perfect balance. The two girls were my first jail visitors with shared respect, because they were my best, loyal customers who fully understood that my reason to be punished was never fair.

The entire reason behind my recently reduced appetite is a plain behavioural adjustment beyond my control. Less tendency to grab a snack of what's left. Hunger is a natural impulse for meat when the belly is empty. The overriding factor is being bored of preparing the same old meal for decades. No new recipe prompt because nobody to discuss anything new to make. All the amazing girlfriends who stayed with me to cook for me and iron the shirts aroused magic in me. Now their recipes go in circles for me... like a programming loop structure. Requiring input parameters to introduce fresh items to the cycle, one day! :perfect:


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Switched exercise AND cigarettes for...........food. In the past 6 months I have stopped smoking once again, but I have also become very, very unmotivated and have started to binge eat. I have been the least active that I have ever been in my life. I just work, work and work these days and eat, eat, and eat. Because I don't need to cook nor do laundry etc when I am away at work I have become reliant upon eating fast food when I am home. I cannot be bothered going to buy groceries and I barely leave the house during daylight hours. I really need to get a handle on regular exercise again. The longer I leave it the harder it will be to start.