What's your biggest fear in life?


Well-known member
Mine is ending up with no girlfriend/wife.......That simply is the biggest fear of mine. When i see couples together i feel really sad and inadequete..I fear that i've gone so long without friends and having never had a girlfriend at 27 years old that things will not change and that i will be forever stuck in the same rut. I already feel that my life is ruined.


Well-known member
Being alone/lonely. It's the most depressing thing for me, along with missing someone you love. Love is the most beautiful feeling in the world and it's shared by two people and, in the future, with the couple's children.

Being happy is... -sighs- really nice.


Well-known member
To screw things up,I already accepted I will be alone for the rest of my life.


Not finding a cure for this fear.

With all my problems in life, I don't really care about having a girlfriend anymore. I pray to god that my only wish is for me to be fearless. If he can give me that, then I'm satisfied enough.


Being a coward. Wanting something but letting my fears get in the way of me going after it.


Well-known member
That i will never overcome my sa,never make anyone laugh,never date, never have sex,make my mom more depressed,make friends,amount to anything in life,and the list goes on


Well-known member
That I won't get better, that I'll actually get worse, maybe even get schizophrenia... that my DH will get sick of me and find someone more worthy of him and take my son with him because the courts will find me mentally unable to provide care to my son.

The only good in tht is maybe I would no longer need to feel such guilt about killing myself if the people I live for were taken away.

So I guess my other fear is things will simply stay as they are forever and I will be forced to endure years of torment.


Well-known member
My biggest fear is to wake up one day and find myself 30 years old and still the mooching, helpless living shit I am today.

I want to be proud of myself, if I could take care of myself, I would be. My mother lived off my grandparents untill she was almost 40 years old, they're TAPPED and the fact that I'm still hanging on makes me feel very ashamed.

I've made peace with the prospect of being single the rest of my life as that's something I have no control over, but the fact that I swore on my life I'd be living on my own this year and it's already september and I havent even gotten a job freaks me out every time I think about it. :cry: