What's your belief?


Well-known member
I believe in God (Muslim). It's been a roller-coaster though. Initially, I believed my religion was the reason why I was social phobic, but now ironically, it is this very religion that is teaching me to be less attached to this world and less social phobic.

A huge line that I've taken to heart was a saying I've heard from a fellow religious friend. "This world is like your shadow. If you chase it, it will run away. And you will never be able to catch it. But if you focus on the deeper reality (your spirituality), and forsake the chase of the world, the world and it's all abundance will begin to follow you".
Just one more muffin please

I believe in the power of editing. I don't know what I believe. I either don't want to think about, or just don't care. I would just end up getting really confused. It really doesn't matter matter to me what other people believe or not, it's kind of ridiculous if it should...


Well-known member
"Religion is the opiate of the people" - Karl Marx
While opiates make you happy temporarily, they can't cure or make any happiness permanent


Well-known member
I'm a christian trapped in an atheists body! I have so many issues with christianity, and the vast majority of objections that most atheists raise I happen to agree with. I've always been very sceptical and I LOVE the truth.......I just also happen to believe that the evidence in favour of the god of the bible is heavier than the evidence against it.

p.s. I expect this thread will be moved to off topic soon, but I hope it doesn't. I think it's a shame that religious discussions have to end up in nasty arguements. I think people should discuss their beliefs more often and debate and find out what's true and what's not. I think it's healthy.

What evidence?


Well-known member
About the bible, you can take small things from it and take those to heart, but often the rest ends up making no sense. However you can learn to read the bible, study it pretty much, there is a heck of alot to it. This is what the JW's teach.

If I may say, why take from it and use the wisdom out of context knowingly? Does this not invalidate a purpose of the bible? (truth) and as such invalidate the wisdom taken?

If it's all truth, then context or not, it's the same truth, right?


Well-known member
About the bible, you can take small things from it and take those to heart, but often the rest ends up making no sense. However you can learn to read the bible, study it pretty much, there is a heck of a lot to it. This is what the JW's teach.

If I may say, why take from it and use the wisdom out of context knowingly? Does this not invalidate a purpose of the bible? (truth) and as such invalidate the wisdom taken?

You're a Jehovah's Witness? Stop knocking on my door on Sunday mornings, I'm trying to sleep!


Well-known member
What evidence?

Well, there's a lot of reasons why I choose to believe in the bible, but the main reasons would be;

1. the prophetic evidence.....almost 1/3 of the bible is prophecy, much of which is very specific, using names, places and times etc, and the claim is that it is 100% accurate. [which you'd expect if god is god]. I've looked into it and there are still a few unclear areas but still, the majority of the prophecies match up with reality. The next best prophet was probably nostradamus who had about a 10-15% success rate. So far, from my research, I reckon the bible is at least in the 60-70% accuracy range....and the other 30%, for now, I assume I haven't heard the full story yet.

2. The kalam cosmological arguement. This is a new discovery for me, but I LOVE this arguement. It doesn't prove the god of the bible exists but it does prove that there are supernatural forces in our universe. [link1, link 2]

3. The arguement from intelligent design, and irreducible complexity I think is a very strong arguement and for now I believe it weighs more in favour of a creator, than random mutation etc. The odds that life could have evolved to the stage we're at now are so collosal I don't believe matter plus time plus random mutation is a worthy explanation.

4. The evidence from personal experience. The amount of times I've prayed for signs from God and he's showed up with massive coincidences that have happened to me, makes it very hard for me to pretend God doesn't exist.

5. the arguements from morality. Any human being has the ability to live a morally good life, but without God there is no basis on which to differentiate between what's good and what's bad. The fact that some things are universally good and some universally bad I believe points to god

6. Archaelogical evidence. The fact that the bible is rooted in history. Unlike any other religious books that are based on dreams and visions and myths, the bible matches up with history exactly. All the times, events, places etc can be independently verified through archaelogical findings.

7. The pragmatic evidence. The fact that the teachings in the bible actually work, and science, more and more, is confirming this.

8. the evidence from the bible itself. The way it was formed, over 1,500 years, by 40 different authors, in three languages, on three continents, and yet I believe the bible is still surprisingly unified.

Plus I'm sure there are tons more reasons I'm forgetting....like just the fact that all over the world you hear the same testimony from people..."I was blind, now I can see". Plus I just think it makes so much sense. It just matches up with the way I see the world so well....I'm gonna stop there cause that's too much text for my eyes!!!:eek:


Well-known member
Well, there's a lot of reasons why I choose to believe in the bible, but the main reasons would be;

1. the prophetic evidence.....almost 1/3 of the bible is prophecy, much of which is very specific, using names, places and times etc, and the claim is that it is 100% accurate. [which you'd expect if god is god]. I've looked into it and there are still a few unclear areas but still, the majority of the prophecies match up with reality. The next best prophet was probably nostradamus who had about a 10-15% success rate. So far, from my research, I reckon the bible is at least in the 60-70% accuracy range....and the other 30%, for now, I assume I haven't heard the full story yet.

2. The kalam cosmological arguement. This is a new discovery for me, but I LOVE this arguement. It doesn't prove the god of the bible exists but it does prove that there are supernatural forces in our universe. [link1, link 2]

3. The arguement from intelligent design, and irreducible complexity I think is a very strong arguement and for now I believe it weighs more in favour of a creator, than random mutation etc. The odds that life could have evolved to the stage we're at now are so collosal I don't believe matter plus time plus random mutation is a worthy explanation.

4. The evidence from personal experience. The amount of times I've prayed for signs from God and he's showed up with massive coincidences that have happened to me, makes it very hard for me to pretend God doesn't exist.

5. the arguements from morality. Any human being has the ability to live a morally good life, but without God there is no basis on which to differentiate between what's good and what's bad. The fact that some things are universally good and some universally bad I believe points to god

6. Archaelogical evidence. The fact that the bible is rooted in history. Unlike any other religious books that are based on dreams and visions and myths, the bible matches up with history exactly. All the times, events, places etc can be independently verified through archaelogical findings.

7. The pragmatic evidence. The fact that the teachings in the bible actually work, and science, more and more, is confirming this.

8. the evidence from the bible itself. The way it was formed, over 1,500 years, by 40 different authors, in three languages, on three continents, and yet I believe the bible is still surprisingly unified.

Plus I'm sure there are tons more reasons I'm forgetting....like just the fact that all over the world you hear the same testimony from people..."I was blind, now I can see". Plus I just think it makes so much sense. It just matches up with the way I see the world so well....I'm gonna stop there cause that's too much text for my eyes!!!:eek:

1. I think you just invalidated the Bible yourself. No 100%, no God.

2. I only watched 30 seconds of the video, but it's making some huge claims, and I'm just assuming that it doesn't actually contain any evidence for it. It's saying that God exists outside of the Universe and that God can exist without it, but not the other way around...it's really assuming a lot and stinks of bs.

The Universe does not need an intelligent being to exist. The Universe didn't come out of nothing and it's just the little thing that there is no evidence for God at all, so how can you jump in and say that he created the Universe when we don't even know that he existed in the first place?

Extraordinary claims extraordinary proof.

3. Evolution has been empirically studied and shown in the lab, it's fact. Intelligent design isn't scientific and has no evidence to support it.

I beg you to educate yourself and actually looked at the evidence yourself. Because you actually didn't provide any evidence, you haven't actually looked it it yourself. I suggest you actually look for yourself.

Here's a well known case of evolution being observed. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peppered_moth_evolution

4. Personal experiences prove nothing.

5. Morals don't need God. Our morals partly come from our evolution and the majority come from the society we live in. There's no real mystery here, our beliefs have been studied to death.

6. Some of the Bible is totally rooted in historical fact, but that doesn't provide evidence that the Bible is written by God. A text that was written 2000 years ago and says that in that day there is a city at x location, that's just well known knowledge at that time.

Everybody knows that there is a city at x location, but over 2000 years, the knowledge is lost and the city is in the middle of nowhere, under 3 feet of dirt.

7. Obviously a man living in a fish and Noah cruising around never really happened. Woman was never created out of a man's rib. There's lots of really weird stuff in the Bible that never happened.

The Bible has thousands of contradictions. It doesn't line up. It's so full of weird things that make no sense.

I'm sure a Janist has had the same experience, so what does that prove?


Well-known member
well I respect your opinions. I could give replies to a lot of your comments but I don't think we'd get anywhere. But that's fine, you're free to believe what you'd like to believe. I've always been a very skeptical person and didn't begin to follow christianity til I was about 19 so I know where you're coming from. But I think we'll have to agree to disagree for now.


Well-known member
Yes it makes sense, and I agree on your views about Jesus.

This is offtopic, but has anybody told you that you resemble Jim Carrey? Maybe it's just the angle of the photograph..

my dad has told me that on several occasions, both in appearence and in demeanor xD

we both have bipolar disorder as well :p


Well-known member
well I respect your opinions. I could give replies to a lot of your comments but I don't think we'd get anywhere. But that's fine, you're free to believe what you'd like to believe. I've always been a very skeptical person and didn't begin to follow christianity til I was about 19 so I know where you're coming from. But I think we'll have to agree to disagree for now.

You aren't being skeptical at all. You're spoon feeding yourself what you want to believe and when I give you evidence to the contrary of your belief, you don't even consider it. Skepticism means you leave yourself open to new ideas that may shake your own.


Hi worrywort :)

5. the arguements from morality. Any human being has the ability to live a morally good life, but without God there is no basis on which to differentiate between what's good and what's bad. The fact that some things are universally good and some universally bad I believe points to god
There's that site Skeptic's Annotated Bible that highlights God's cruelty, injustice, etc as described in Bible. There's a lot of it in the Bible. I wouldn't myself trust such a superior being to set morality standards if he by himself cannot stand to those standards.
I think people choose to act good because it pays off. If you are good to others the chances are high that they will pay you back alike. I do it and the good I sent usually comes back to me ;). It's not needed to put a god between the human and the good. But that's just my personal view.


Well-known member
There's that site Skeptic's Annotated Bible that highlights God's cruelty, injustice, etc as described in Bible. There's a lot of it in the Bible. I wouldn't myself trust such a superior being to set morality standards if he by himself cannot stand to those standards.
I think people choose to act good because it pays off. If you are good to others the chances are high that they will pay you back alike. I do it and the good I sent usually comes back to me ;). It's not needed to put a god between the human and the good. But that's just my personal view.

Hi ptah :)
I replied to you on the thread below, I hope you don't mind, only the user who started this thread didn't want it to turn into a debate and I didn't feel right replying in this thread.



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