What's wrong with this guy????


Active member
I've known this guy for almost 4 years now. We met on a dating site. we didn't talk very often but when we did we always had fun. he's very funny, self-assured, intelligent, kind and honest - I have no doubts about his honesty.

But over a month ago - at the end of Sept. (after 7 months of complete silence) he text me and we just started to talk again. I felt very comfortable talking to him, I dare say -happy. So we just talked - at first it was typical - just as we used to talk many times before. But something changed - and then we talked everyday at least for 2 hours on MSN or Skype, and he behaved towards me as if he fell in love.. (and it was like this for over 2 weeks).

Finally we met 2 times - during and after the first meeting he was (let's say) "in love"... he was very interested in what I were up to and kept texting me about what he was doing, etc... The second meeting was also cool but after that he changed - we still talk on MSN and Skype but not so much and not so often. I know he's working very very hard these days (about 12 -14 hours a day 6 days a week). But it's been a month now. I've invited him for a dinner, but he turned it down - later on (only after I told him it was unkind of him to do so this way he did) he said he regretted he couldn't come but didn't say sorry and after 3 weeks he didn't make anything to fix it.

He was still flirting with me. Sometimes he treated me like a good friend, sometimes like somebody more than a friend.

Last Sunday we were about to meet at my place (I didn't invited him that again this straightforward but it just came out of some jokes during a chat) but he cancelled it again (he had a headache). On Monday I asked him how was he feeling and we talked for a while. But he doesn't text me or anything ever since.

I've tried to talk to him 2 times what's going on. But he just says he's very tired.

So tell me guys what do you think of this? What's wrong with him? Is he just undecided or what?? Should I give up on him?


Well-known member
It kinda sounds as he is playing games or your his backup or something. 7 months is along time to not talk and he constanly breaks dates with you. I can;t know for sure becasue I am no mind reader and you said he did work long hours which could be a very big contributing factor, but Why go so long between talking to you if he is truly interested.


Well-known member
Well that's a pretty harsh job schedule. He might just not have time for a relationship at the moment, so he's pulling away. That's my theory.


Active member
Thank you a lot for the replies

I've been knowing him for four years and for all this time we didn't talked very often - very rarely in fact - just once or twice in a few months - I didn't treat him too seriously - and when we talked it always was just fun, lots of laughing and always just texting o MSN. we've never before talked on skype. and it's a bit different when your hear ad see the other person.

so as for this 7-month-silence - I'm ok with that, ad he also told me I could text him as well and so on. And he seems to regret we didn't make it out to meet in person earlier but kept it this weird-virtual-choppy way for so long.

yes, it's very harsh... but if so why he just doesn't say straightforward when I'm asking. But just offers a meeting ad then cancel it.. he keeps giving me signals he wants sth more and than is making jokes of this.
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Well-known member
I agree that you're his "back-up". Dump the fraud. If he really cared for how you felt. he'd be more courteous. My opinion, but I've seen it more than you could imagine.

I also agree...I think you should move on.

I've been (kind of still am) in a similar situation as yours, but realize that I should move on.


Well-known member
A quote I once read:

"It is not that he won't commit, he won't commit to you."


Active member
Once again, thank you all for the replies...

you're all probably right..
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