What's worse, having SA your entire life or developing it later on?


not actually Fiona Apple
I was just thinking, if I could choice between being born with SA or having it kick in later on (anywhere from 12 to 60) what would I choose? It kicked in for me around when I was 13-14, so I know how it feels to be normal and then lost it. I don't know, just thinking...


Well-known member
I've had it my entire life, since my first memories. My upbringing and experiences have only worsened it. I don't know what it worse to be honest. I will say that having had this all my life, part of me is determined to find peace and live life, because if I was born this way, it must have some purpose. I dunno.....


Honestly thats a great question. I recently developed it when I started college and have been dealing with it ever since. It is probably the worst thing to have as a college student. If I would have developed at like age 30 then that would be fine. However, being born with it might have made it easier to cope with at my current stage. I think later in life for sure would be better.
I developed it at an early age of about 12. Thanks to my parents, would of rather had it when I reach 30 or something it has hindered me in the past.


Well-known member
Had it my entire life and prefer it that way. I don't want to know what I'm missing. It'll only make me sadder.


not actually Fiona Apple
Had it my entire life and prefer it that way. I don't want to know what I'm missing. It'll only make me sadder.

Yeah that was the point I was trying to make. You can't miss what you never had.


Well-known member
I developed in later on, at age 40. I've had it about 7 years. I'm glad I haven'y had it my entire life.

I'm Not There

Well-known member
I've had it my entire life too, I even have memories of having SA in kindergarten.
Somehow I've always envied people who weren't born with it, but got it later on in their lives. If I look at pictures of my childhood, I sometimes imagine how that period could've been if I didn't have SA back then.


Well-known member
I've had it my whole life, and unfortunately, I too envy people who don't have it or developed it later. I'd rather develop it later, 'cos then at least I would've experience life without it...


Well-known member
Much like becoming blind later in life. I wish I had it all along so I wouldn't be reminiscing about the times I didn't even fathom the existence of a social phobia. I was the craziest, most outgoing kid. Puberty hit and so did SA.
I was about to reply by asking if there was anyone that developed SA later in life. My understanding was that it typically developed early on, was sometimes not noticeable until early teens, or later teens...and then I read Kiwong's post.

I have always been shy and introverted. Although very talkative when I was very young, I remember having frequent stomach aches when I was 9 or 10 that were probably related to anxiety and stress. Only when I look back now do I think that those may have been the earliest symptoms of what became SA later in life. Until I was 18 years old, when I went to college and my SA came on full force, my father's job took the family all over the world. Being the new kid and often the only American in my school, I had people approach me and want to be friends out of curiosity. I never had to learn how to make friends, not that ever I had that many.

I don't know if it would be easier to have developed SA much later. I'm pretty sure it's difficult no matter when it develops, because it shapes your whole world from that point on.
I've had it my entire life, since my first memories. My upbringing and experiences have only worsened it. I don't know what it worse to be honest. I will say that having had this all my life, part of me is determined to find peace and live life, because if I was born this way, it must have some purpose. I dunno.....

Agree with that :rolleyes: :D

Mine developed when I was around 11. I would prefer having it since birth for the reason that tweetebird mentioned and also because I would have 11 more years of experience with it (which could only help me :D - I hope :))


Well-known member
I think I've been the same way all my life

But I can't remember very well

When you get to be my age, you start forgetting things

I was at work for an hour today before I discovered i hadn't zipped my pants


Well-known member
I even have memories of having SA in kindergarten.

Me too. I remember the first day, just standing there in front of my classroom panicking inside. I remember watching a group of girls play jump rope with each other and I didn't understand why they were so comfortable and happy with each other after having just met.


Well-known member
I developed in later on, at age 40. I've had it about 7 years. I'm glad I haven'y had it my entire life.

You older people make me feel so...
****... What's the word?
Like you know, when you kinda dont belong or stick out?
I'm only 16 (can'tbelieve I'll be 17 in ONLY four monthes o.o), And I don't remember when it developed, exactly. I think it started when we moved. So around 6th grade (When I was 10? or 11? Something like that) But I didn't actually realize I had it since around when I was 14, or something.


Well-known member
I started withdrawing from society more and more in my early 20s-- before that I was actually an outgoing and shameless person although really insecure. Having it later in life is better than having it my whole life in my opinion-- this way I have some goal to work back on(somewhere between by dumb teenage self and my current self). It might be one of those "ignorance is bliss" kinda things though too as some people have already said.


Well-known member
I started withdrawing from society more and more in my early 20s-- before that I was actually an outgoing and shameless person although really insecure. Having it later in life is better than having it my whole life in my opinion-- this way I have some goal to work back on(somewhere between by dumb teenage self and my current self). It might be one of those "ignorance is bliss" kinda things though too as some people have already said.

You're right actually. You have a goal and that's really awesome. I can honestly say, since I don't know what it's like to not have SA, I have no desire to change. This is just the way life is, to me.


not actually Fiona Apple
You're right actually. You have a goal and that's really awesome. I can honestly say, since I don't know what it's like to not have SA, I have no desire to change. This is just the way life is, to me.

How much do you notice it effecting you than? I mean I've had a peanut allergy and I forget I have it usually, and not eating nuts is just part of my life. Is it like that you with SA or is totally different.