What's the perfect job for a social phobic?


I suffer from SA and I work in a library! I took the job because I thought it would be nice and quiet and I could shelve books all day. WRONG! I'm constantly having to deal with enquiries, make phonecalls, interact with other staff members etc. Some days are better than others - I'm finding it really hard at the moment. People I work with have commented that I'm really quiet - if only they knew! I visibly shake and stammer when a member of the public asks for my help. I feel like such a goon. I'm totally exhausted by the end of the day! Having said all that, i do think that exposure to these scary situations is good for me. If I wasn't pushing myself in this way I know that I'd be at home all day getting less and less contact with the real world. I work part time at the moment- I don't think i could cope with full time hours. By working part time I still get time alone at home to re-charge my batteries and relax ready for the next day of work.


i work with kids..i dont know how i do it but i do. i guess i dont find kids to be intimidating, the parents scare me sometimes but i deal with it.



New member
Boober said:
I suffer from SA and I work in a library! I took the job because I thought it would be nice and quiet and I could shelve books all day. WRONG! I'm constantly having to deal with enquiries, make phonecalls, interact with other staff members etc. Some days are better than others - I'm finding it really hard at the moment. People I work with have commented that I'm really quiet - if only they knew! I visibly shake and stammer when a member of the public asks for my help. I feel like such a goon. I'm totally exhausted by the end of the day! Having said all that, i do think that exposure to these scary situations is good for me. If I wasn't pushing myself in this way I know that I'd be at home all day getting less and less contact with the real world. I work part time at the moment- I don't think i could cope with full time hours. By working part time I still get time alone at home to re-charge my batteries and relax ready for the next day of work.


I decided to work experience in the library for the same reason, shelving books all day and undisturbed silence. Also completely wrong. In all honesty, my first day there (today) was awful. I managed to get out of using the phone but I don't think I'll be able to keep that up when one of the other workers asks me to. I was okay when I was doing the book returns, but loaning out when people were watching and waiting was hell. I managed to mess it up on one occasion and made a complete ass out of myself by forgetting the stamp was for the due date not the current date, and was like "um...um...the date is wrong?" and accidently doing an extra book for the guy. It was awful, and afterwards I was so overcome by dizziness I managed to mess something else up. I can't even describe the feeling I get when I think of how I'll have to go back for four more days this week.

It kinda sucks to realise my perception of library work was so drastically wrong. I don't think I could ever actually work in a library either frankly, haha, but I do admire your courage for doing so.


Hang in there, lame..I've been working at the library for about a year and a half and I still get days where I forget to stamp the books! I think that with most jobs there are going to be unpredictable elements that crop up from time to time to scare the hell out of people like us. I've noticed that if you can laugh off your mistakes (even if you're screaming inside), it seems to make things easier ( or you can try blaming the computer!). If I make a mistake I tend to go and hide behind a bookshelf for a few minutes to calm myself down! Hope the rest of your week goes ok. I can totally relate :)


New member
Haha, thanks! I spent most the last hours hiding behind bookshelves too. Hopefully I won't make any more embarrassing mistakes, I don't think I'll ever be able to laugh them off as I have a complete inability to ever let things go. :roll:

I'm just praying I can avoid the phone!

Good luck to you too. :)


Well-known member
Johnnash said:
Some kind of physical labor during the night time.

lol that's what I'm applying for, and hoping to get... being a warehouse clerk. Stocking shelves, not having to talk to customers, but just a few other people I work with and not even really having to talk to them either... Unless the mood should strike.

I feel like it's a bit of a cop out though.. but it's what I would feel comfortable doing. zzz. I wish I felt comfortable having light-hearted conversations with hundreds of people a day. 8O


New member
i think a mail order job. it seems kinda like a low stress job, and they can be done at home, but i dont know if theyre all just scams or something....
anyway, i was thinking of that library job thing, and good thing i saw this thread, or i would ave ended up sitting on the floor in the back corner of that place, lol(but probly in like a year though lol, coz i wasn't planning to get that job recently, u need some kind of "education")
My mum is kinda pressuring me to do something other than surf the net all night and sleep all day(iv'e kinda "dropped out" of school, but not too long ago, coz of this crap) which she classes as work.


Well-known member
I like the idea of being a taxi driver.
There's little pressure to talk and if I felt like challenging myself with the odd conversation I could do so at my own pace.
Another thing is that customers change regularly and I wouldn't be faced with co-workers all day long, just at the taxi rank during the slow hours.


Well-known member
shynobody2 said:
i hate life...

Hey man. Don't be dissin' life (haha)

But to the original question of what a good job would be, I think something that scares you shitless. It might sound like a bad idea, but the human mind can acclimate to just about any situation - so if you're completely stuck, nowhere to go - just go out and desensitize, right? Can't kill ya, that's for sure. It's like how I used to be terrified of fucking up a situation... then I realized something - I fuck up every situation, and it hasn't killed me yet! Oh yeah, and nobody hates me - and that was my second greatest fear.

But back on topic, getting a non-sociable job will just keep you in hiding, hence in fear. That's why I say, that shit ain't my bag.
If you get help from a psychiatrist and overcome social phobia, you won't have to limit your career choices anymore. You can do anything you want.


My perfect job would be out in the bush getting rid of feral pests eg. feral cats, foxes and pigs and lets not forget the cane toad.


MYALL said:
My perfect job would be out in the bush getting rid of feral pests eg. feral cats, foxes and pigs and lets not forget the cane toad.

You mean kill them? :evil:

I liked the idea with night burglar. One job I would enjoy is digging graves on the cemetery.


i have sever case of social phobia , i work in office that is exposed to many staff the problem is when ever some one pass infront of my seat my eyes feels like its going to pop out and i feel very anxeious and my attention gose from the pc screen to the person passing infront of me and it feels like a lion gana get me . i tried all meds including xanax ...etc nothing worked .... my best job would be developing web sites from home.