I suffer from SA and I work in a library! I took the job because I thought it would be nice and quiet and I could shelve books all day. WRONG! I'm constantly having to deal with enquiries, make phonecalls, interact with other staff members etc. Some days are better than others - I'm finding it really hard at the moment. People I work with have commented that I'm really quiet - if only they knew! I visibly shake and stammer when a member of the public asks for my help. I feel like such a goon. I'm totally exhausted by the end of the day! Having said all that, i do think that exposure to these scary situations is good for me. If I wasn't pushing myself in this way I know that I'd be at home all day getting less and less contact with the real world. I work part time at the moment- I don't think i could cope with full time hours. By working part time I still get time alone at home to re-charge my batteries and relax ready for the next day of work.