What's the most effective SA medication you've taken?

I know everyones body responds differently but I'm just curious to know. I've tried a couple things, celexa, buspar, and Lorazepam. But I'm going to be put on something different tomorrow, what should I suggest?


Well-known member
I used to take xanax and that worked great but, I started getting into these rages so I stopped taking it. Now I take ativan .5mg and it's good. No weird side effects, I don't get sleepy or any weight gain. I usually only take it when I am going to be in a situation with a lot of people ie family dinners, the gym etc.

I know a lot of doctors dont like to give benzos be they can be addicting. But, if you don't have a history of drug use you should try something in that class of meds.
These aren't medications but recently I've been taking Lithium Orotate, 5-HTP, GABA, & Grape Seed Extract, along with a few other things & since taking them I haven't been depressed and haven't felt this good in like 10 years, it's like my brain has woken up or something & is back to normal, you actually forget that you can feel this good, & it's not like life has gotten any better which has made me feel this good, but I feel clearer & more aware & more loving strangely, it's amazing, & the good thing is there aren't any potential side effects & you don't put on weight, as is the case with most anti-depressants/psychotics.


Well-known member
It really depends on each specific persons overall body chemistry as to what med wil work for them. There really is not an actual social anxiety med, just general anxiety meds and some of them can help with social anxiety. I've been taking Celexa myself for about a year and a half now and it hasn't done a thing for my social anxiety but has still helped my overall anxiety. Klonopin, I guess, helps my social anxiety because it lowers me panic.