whats it like living in a city with social phobia


ive seen loads of eddie murphy films. "coming to america" springs to mind and it seems so overcrowded and NOISY.

its usually pretty quite here but theres a ned down the road and hes been banging on "tams" window for about 10 fkn hours, shouting "tam are ye in" "hey tam its me man" bang bang bang, chap chap chap "answer me man, are ye in":confused:

its getting on my nerves a wee bit, cause i want to go out and hit him! im enjoying waiting for the outcome though, cause either the ned is banging at the wrong window or "tam" is fkn dead!!

anyway back to the point if you live in a city, how do you cope with all the people and all the noise? maybe its easier if your used to loud noises and a few billion people outside and then when you get the chance to escape from the city and take a break in the country, you might not like it cause your not used to it.

i think personaly living in a city would drive me crazier than usual.


Well-known member
tell the **** tam is fkn dead , and if he keep on im gonna drive over and im goony put my boot up his fkn asse :D


Well-known member
I live in a smallish town, but will be moving to London soon. Personally I can't wait to live in a busy city. I like the fact that you can get lost amongst all the people. I think if I lived somewhere too quiet I'd go mad. I need to hear noises, otherwise I end up dwelling on my own thoughts for too long.
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Well-known member
I live in the suburbs myself, but theres always plenty of people around. I don't have a big problem myself with people always being around. I do wonder if a small town would be more relaxing, but then I think that with less people around you might feel more noticiable, in a big city you are a lot more anonymous.


Well-known member
I live just outside of london, well it's classed as part of london anyway lol! But i'm so used to all the noise and rushing around in town now. I don't like it though! I'd love to live in a lovely villiage somewhere near the sea, but then i might feel uncomfortable because i'm so used to noise and people rushing around!


when i was in london a good few years back, there was a woman got onto the bus wearing shoe boxes on her feet. so aye, if you look at it that way you sort of blend in.


Well-known member
when i was in london a good few years back, there was a woman got onto the bus wearing shoe boxes on her feet. so aye, if you look at it that way you sort of blend in.

Yep, that's one of the things I love about big cities, especially London.. So many weird and wonderful characters :D


Well-known member
I live in the suburbs myself, but theres always plenty of people around. I don't have a big problem myself with people always being around. I do wonder if a small town would be more relaxing, but then I think that with less people around you might feel more noticiable, in a big city you are a lot more anonymous.
That's how I feel, there's so many people all involved in their own thing that I'd have to try really hard to stand out. It's only when human interaction gets to a more personal level, and I actually have to talk, that I freak out.
oh and i meant if you have social phobia! not the city.

lmao!:rolleyes: Gee thanks for clarifying that FOR REAL!:D

I could never go back to living in a city, because then I would not be able to drive there. I am too much of a nervous driver to be able to drive in city traffic. I do miss being able to "blend in" amongst the crowds though.


Well-known member
Oh I could never drive around Sydney either. But I'm too nervous of a person to even get my license so that's no problem. :rolleyes:


Well-known member
I have lived in the countryside for all my life. I find that when i go to any town/city i feel panicky because of all the people and traffic. In part i think it's contributed to my social anixety........On the other hand i know lots of others who have grown up in rural areas and they are not socially anxious.


Well-known member
I live in the 'burbs...But spent a night in a hotel downtown a few years ago for a birthday party. We were right downtown. On the main street in Vancouver where all of the action is.

It was oddly soothing! Sirens were blaring all night, cars were honking their horns, screeching of tires and we could hear people yelling at each other...But it was really calming and had an excellent sleep! Walking down the street, few people attention to us. Everyone was absorbed in their own business and I liked that. :)

In the town that I live in...Everyone knows everyone. It's dead most of the time...But the people on the roads are people you know. Your neighbors know you well. I don't think it's like that in the city.
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Super Moderator
I'm in a big city. I hate it, but at the same time I'm so used to it that I'd be terrified if I were in a different place. For some reason I associate small towns and peaceful places with horribly violent murder scenes. Sounds funny, but it's a sh*tty situation. If I had to live out of this city, I know I'd be living in everlasting paranoia.


Staff member
when i was in london a good few years back, there was a woman got onto the bus wearing shoe boxes on her feet. so aye, if you look at it that way you sort of blend in.

Theres a Londoner over on SAUK who dosn't even wear shoes when out :confused: