What's a relationship anyway??


Active member
I mean why even call it having a partner or girlfriend or wife even why can't we just do what we want and be whoever we want to be with without being jealous or worry what our partner thinks? Whenever your with someone it's a feeling of status or that your doing the right thing and on your way but isn't our attraction to the opposite sex just a trick to make babies anyway just to breed the human race? Even if you just want to be with only one person because it's more pure and real that way why even think of it as a relationship why can't you just be intimate with that person cuddle, have sex, live with that person forever even, have children and a family but not get married? what makes us feel we have to be so attached? can't we just get the same feeling from being with anyone? My friends parents were married and had a horrible life together and simply accepted the fact that they were used to it and couldn't leave each other. If we didn't live so religiously from the dawn of time and just did what we wanted don't you think that rocd wouldn't even exist in the first place??


Well-known member
Marriage is an old fashioned thing these days. I think in the past sex before marriage, even living with a partner before marriage was a social taboo, hence people got married young. The sad thing is that a lot of relationships go bad as soon as the couple get married. Most of my parents friends ended up divorced and my parents don't exactly have a great relationship either.


Well-known member
I'm not religious in any way, shape or form.

I'm what in the first world would be considered a liberal, I don't like traditions or doing things just because that's what socially aceptable.

And yet, I would still like to get married (in a civil ceremony, of course).

For me marriage goes beyond just romance, sex and even love (in the traditional sense).

For me marriage is a partnership, where two people decide to join their paths in life in the firm belief that such union will in the end make life better for both of them. The truth is that we're all alone, all of us, we're born alone and we'll die alone, noone can change this fact, but I don't think this means that we can't share life with whoever we choose.

I would love to find a girl with whom I could develop a bond, with whom to share my experiences, someone I could help and support when she needed it and viceversa, why?, quite simply because it makes life better.

But I'm not going to marry anyone just because, to be honest I think most people shouldn't marry jgiven that they don't really want to, but do it out of pure social custom.

If I truly wanted sex I could just go hire some prostitutes and do whatever I wanted, if all I wanted was to feel loved I could just use some naive girl and charm her so that she worships me (not that I'm some sort charming prince, NOT AT ALL, but experience has taught me that if you understand people you can take advantage of their weaknesses), but that's not what I want... I want a true partnership based on full honesty, mutual respect and affection, and if I find her I will marry her not to stupidly bind myself or to please others, but just as a symbol of such valuable partnership.


Well-known member
Marriage for love is quite a recent thing. even as late as 1850s girls were married off by their Fathers for status reasons. in the 20th century people started to have proper relationships (possibly due to WW1) and Marriage became a choice.

Now Women have become more independent from men, Marriage has become less common because many women think that marriage ties them to a man, and they lose some independence.

This is my view, I could just be generalising. in fact - I think I just did :D


Well-known member
I mean why even call it having a partner or girlfriend or wife even why can't we just do what we want and be whoever we want to be with without being jealous or worry what our partner thinks? Whenever your with someone it's a feeling of status or that your doing the right thing and on your way but isn't our attraction to the opposite sex just a trick to make babies anyway just to breed the human race? Even if you just want to be with only one person because it's more pure and real that way why even think of it as a relationship why can't you just be intimate with that person cuddle, have sex, live with that person forever even, have children and a family but not get married? what makes us feel we have to be so attached? can't we just get the same feeling from being with anyone? My friends parents were married and had a horrible life together and simply accepted the fact that they were used to it and couldn't leave each other. If we didn't live so religiously from the dawn of time and just did what we wanted don't you think that rocd wouldn't even exist in the first place??

There is no rule book that says you HAVE to get married. There is nothing that is a legal obligation where you have to get married and have kids with someone or you are arrested, fined, and sent to jail for a few years.

If you want to never commit, you don't have to. You can do whatever you what, whenever you want. Relationships are a personal view. What is considered a proper married is decided by society. In some cultures, the woman marries a set of brothers. The reason they marry, is for money reasons. It's better to marry a set of brothers so that the child will have the best chance to have a good life with money. (I forget the culture's name, I read about them in my Anthropology book) A lot of societies you marry off for money and I don't mean in the superficial sense, but in the survival sense. It's practical to get married.

I think in most Western countries we are pretty liberal and open minded. The reasons for getting married aren't the same as they used to be. People do it for "love", but what is "love"? It varies from person to person. It's not something that is strictly and universally defined.

Yes, our attraction to the opposite sex is a "trick" to produce babies. But if you don't want babies, you don't have to have them. That doesn't mean you won't be attracted to people or you can't still have sex and get into a relationship.

Lots of people stay together with the person for years and years and never get married. Lots of people are in open relationships. Lots of people don't ever commit and just go from person to person or remain single because they are happy that way. There are no real rules for this sort of thing.

I don't even know what rocd is... I am guessing it's relationship ocd?

We haven't really lived religiously from the dawn of time, but it has been for a really long time. THe only thing that religion gave us, is a type of structure. Not every culture marries for the same reasons. So if there wasn't religion that told some people why to marry, it would be something else. We would still have marriage and relationships. So, I would say that yes.... rocd would still exist.