What Triggered Your SAD


Well-known member
Hey guys I’m a new member to this site and am glad to have found it. I was just wondering how you’ve come to have SAD and if there was a certain event that triggered your SAD?

But first I would like to share a little bit about my experience with SAD and how it’s come about.

I am 18 and have been suffering from SA for about 2 years now... It all started in grade 12 when everyone started partying and some of them getting into drugs (marijuana)... I felt like a normal teen in high school except I wasn’t into partying, drinking, or drugs.

But mid way through grade 12 I started smoking weed once in awhile (wish I hadn’t), it was fun and it made me feel excepted. By the end of grade 12 though I felt excluded and in some classes no one would talk to me. My summer was pretty uneventful and come September I went to University with a friend and that’s where I believe my SA got noticeably worse .
Him and I were put in a 4 room dorm wit 2 guys who were best friends with each other... long story short they smoked weed 3 times a day and I stopped smoking weed and spent most of my days in my room and my friend decided to go hang out with them all the time. I felt so alone I ended up leaving university half way through the year because I couldn’t stand being there anymore... I came home and have basically been home bound ever since.

After a month or two of coming home I lost all contact with friends and have one or two friends that I see every month or so and one I see every 2 weeks (Oh yeah did I mention I never text/call anyone cause I’m too scared and that I rarely to never get texts/calls ::(:) I have been put in situations that have tested my SA and each time I have failed miserably... to make matters worse I have been taunted and teased by relatives and so-called friends the last six months which is really hurting me. The one thing that is good that has happened all during this is that me and my big sis have become really close and I consider her to be a really good friend.

Anyways I could go on and on about my SA and how its messed shit up lol but I would like to hear from others about how their SAD came to be or what triggered it to become worse.


Growing into a young adult - Very self conscious about the way I looked (Hair,spots,size of my face,clothes I wore etc) Thought people where laughing at me and taking the piss

Other problems in childhood included Bullying,harsh rejections from girls I fancied and nightmares.

My SA triggered soon as I turned into a teenager...Im just outta teens now but Im still obsessed with the same problems I had with my body


Well-known member
My SA could have been triggered by a few things, but I'm pretty sure it was first triggered when I was back in pre-school, when other kids began rejecting me.


Well-known member
Well, I would consider you lucky! I've had it my entire life! :(
I've been a loner my ENTIRE life. At least you got to experience life w/out SA.
it was a gradual thing - first noticing in jr high that i wouldn't talk much, especially around parents or other adults. i felt really inhibited. then by jr year of high school, it was happening around friends also. like why don't i have something interesting to say? convos just died and i felt so guilty.

it escalated from there into social phobia by first year college. then intense self-consciousness walking around, thinking everybody hated me. eventually i had to drop out.

but cbt helped a lot. and i eventually got my degree. so it's not the end of the world!


Well-known member
At least you got to experience life w/out SA.

lol yeah true I think from being in some what of a group of people I realized just how much they DID talk about people and judge people behind their backs and that it made me realize that they were prbbly doing the same to me.


Active member
I was bullied at school, though at the time I didn't think I was being bullied, just boys being boys, though I know now it has affected me psychologically.


Well-known member
I've thought about it many times and I feel that most my problems esculated from these events:

- My family falling apart when I was 5 years old, due to my parents breaking up.
- Living out in an isolated/rural area with my mother throughout my childhood and pre-teen years.

But I think what really sent me over the edge was the death of a family member, who was my only proper male role-model.

Lorraine Manca

Well-known member
I was raised by my mother, the real life Jekyll and Hyde. I would be praised one minute and be cussed out with gusto the next for no apparent reason. It kept me constantly nervous because i couldnt predict when the out bursts would happen. I think that caused my anxiety around people.


Well-known member
Probably coming to Japan and then genetics,I was always shy,but I still had a lot of friends.


Well-known member
I think maybe it was always there but i remember in the second year of high school in English class the teacher was going around the room getting people to read out different parts from a book. When my turn came around i was so anxious i could hardly move my mouth. My top lip was quivering so much and i started to stutter and just barely made it through a sentence when i looked up to see everyones eyes staring at me. I felt like i was burning and my heart was thumping so hard. I felt totally humiliated. It kinda snowballed from there. I left school 15 years ago now (when i was 16) and have never studied since. The thought of being in a class room really freaks me out.


Well-known member
My mom put enormous amounts of pressure on me with my grades when I was younger. She controlled everything that revolved around school without my input. If there was any sort of problem at school, for example if my grade was too low, my mom would go to school,walk into my class room right after the 1st bell rang so she could yell at the teacher in front of me and the entire class so I would get embarrassed. The reason she did this was so I could remind myself of the humiliation from doing poorly on a test. Also, my dad was never home so me and him never talk. This caused me to lose trust in my parents at a really early age.