What "self-talk" do you give yourself?


Well-known member
I need some suggestions of what to think or do when anxiety is at its peak. What helps you? What goes through your mind that might help? :confused:


Well-known member
try to stay focused on the present and stay out of my own mind

the trouble is usually inside there

(maybe there's an echo)


yes focus ur attention on something else and say to urself "i am feeling a little anxious, but this will pass there is no danger in here" :) NEVER pass judegment on urself for feeling anxious and never tell urself that ur an idiot if u r finding it difficult for it to pass that just fuels ur anxiety making u feel even worse


Well-known member
not so much what thoughts go through my mind..
more about the emotions.
One thing that might help is to not be in your head so much actually. Try to involve yourself into whatever your doing. This tends to work only in the beginning stages. As soon as you feel anxiety coming on, hyperfocus on something. Think about whats happening, if someone is talking to you, try to focus on the words hes saying extra hard. Think the words hes saying and it might be easier to converse as well. So yeah thats a trick that helps me, when my head starts playing tricks on me, focus on something else. :)


Well-known member
When I find myself in a situation were I am thinking negatively or am anxious, I ask myself a simple question, and quite a few times I have found that my anxiety eases. The question is as follows:

"Will this matter in 5 years"?

I say 5 years, becuase your life situation is likely to have changed substancially enough in that time, that what you say or do now won't have an affect on the future at that time. Also other people tend to forget what you said or did in that time too, so you don't have to worry about people remembering or bringing up old issues.
I need some suggestions of what to think or do when anxiety is at its peak. What helps you? What goes through your mind that might help? :confused:

Agree with will it matter in 5 years - know that it will pass

Some things to do - notice if muscles are tight; breathing is shallow and counter these with deep, slow breathing and relaxing any tension. Get somewhere quiet & peaceful to ease the mental clutter of noise and visual stimulation. Offload concerns onto paper or into someones ear. Head for the bush/forest/woods or the ocean/lake/waterfall.


Well-known member
This is from the Cognitive Behavioural Therapy course I did relatively recently:

. acknowledge the existence of anxiety
. give it a rating (1 to 10 or something)
. do not blame anyone else
. do not rush what you are doing because that indicates you are afraid of it
. do not flee

As another thread stated, in time the anxiety breaks\runs its course - riding it through is called "anxiety surfing".