What made you smile today?

I just sent this to my sister :

Gummy Candy Experiment (cute, funny and educational, what more do you want :))

Gabi can eat one piece of candy now or two pieces later...

Based on Walter Mischel's Marshmallow experiment, in which four year-olds were offered a marshmallow, which they could eat if they wanted. However, they were also told that if they waited until the researcher came back into the room, they would be given a second marshmallow. Kids who could successfully defer their gratification (about 1 in 3) were found to later have higher SAT scores at 18 years of age.

YouTube - Gummy Candy Experiment

She is SOOOO adorable, the funny part starts at around 5:00 :)


I have an insane willpower myself, I HAVE to, because I easily get addicted to stuff. I still remember my 3 month liquorice addiction :eek::D (6.6 pounds weight gain BTW)
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So far nothing's made me smile today, but yesterday my cat tried to meow and just a squeak came out. That cracked me up.


Well-known member
The nutter FOR REAL.... Always knows how to make me laugh...and of course smile. Thank you FOR REAL!:D
i was waiting to write an exam andto pass the time i was reading IT by Stephen King and i was at the part were (SPOILER) Ben kicked the bully Henry in the balls while he was injured on the ground and Henry keeps on proclaiming his hurt testicles over and over again.

maybe it was the lack of sleep in the last 50 hours or maybe i was trying to lighten up my spirits but i laughed way too loud