what is your problem now????


Well-known member
My problem right now is.....I miss placed a dvd I started storing home videos on...cant find the dang thing anywhere....camera is filling up with videos....need to transfer them to that disc...but as I said CANT FIND IT in my trash bin of a dwelling lol.....actualy this has been a problem for the last month or two....argh!



Well-known member
Chod77 said:
My problem is I hate society, I hate people, I hate my face, I hate my body, but most of all I hate who I am. My problem is that every time I look at my face in the mirror I want to smash my fucking face into it. My problem is that I am a loser. I have no job and I do my schooling online because I can't interact with people. My problem is that if I have a piece of chocolate I will not eat the rest of the day for fear of getting fat. My problem is that yesterday I almost cried out in public for just being out in public. My problem is that people fucking hate me. My problem is I don't have a fucking invisibility cloak. My problem is I have SA, SEVERE depression, and APD. My problem is that unless I become perfect I will never be happy. My problem is that I feel hopeless. My problem is that I will never have a fucking boyfriend. My problem is that I am not smart, special or talented. My problem is that I don't even have low self esteem, I am just realistic.

that was fun

Thats mostly what i feel like....and i soo wish i had an invisibility cloak. Anyone know where i can find one???? :D
My problem is that I'm going away for vacation to a place me and my parents go every year, where we see the same people we're sort of like a family of families. I love all of them, I just feel like I'm distant and I can't connect with them, not anything beyond small talk. I want to make them laugh and have deep conversations and stuff, but I just don't know how, and they know me as shy, so it would just look wrong if I was all outgoing.


Well-known member
Chod77 said:
My problem is I hate society, I hate people, I hate my face, I hate my body, but most of all I hate who I am. My problem is that every time I look at my face in the mirror I want to smash my fucking face into it. My problem is that I am a loser. I have no job and I do my schooling online because I can't interact with people. My problem is that if I have a piece of chocolate I will not eat the rest of the day for fear of getting fat. My problem is that yesterday I almost cried out in public for just being out in public. My problem is that people fucking hate me. My problem is I don't have a fucking invisibility cloak. My problem is I have SA, SEVERE depression, and APD. My problem is that unless I become perfect I will never be happy. My problem is that I feel hopeless. My problem is that I will never have a fucking boyfriend. My problem is that I am not smart, special or talented. My problem is that I don't even have low self esteem, I am just realistic.

that was fun



Well-known member
zadaa516 said:
my problem is i just found out that i have social phobia, and its kinda freaking me out.

all of my friends are 12-15 and im 18. everyone asks me why i hang out with kids. its becase im too afraid of people my age. and people make fun of me for it.

yesterday i thought i was talking with one of my friends online about it, and it turned out to be her older sister. and now i cant stop thinking about what she thinks of me, even though i dont know her. it has me so shaken to the point of tears.

im going to college this year, and it scares me. im going to feel alone and im not going to be able to make friends there.

I've been in the same situation with having friends several years younger than me and being made fun of for it. I think I'm just mentally young for my age (25). But now it's not such a big deal in college. When you get into your 20's and on up, a few years' difference isn't anything to be embarrassed about.

I too was afraid of people my own age, and I still am. I guess because I never felt accepted by my peers. I'm still working on that one.


Well-known member
my problem is I have a crappy job and no chance of going back to study for anythig else as I have bills and debts to pay. Plus I live in a damp, dangeous house (when it rains I can hear water coming onto my ceiling im afraid its going to collapse on me 1 day) and the council wont give me a house unless I have a kid or am unemployed...how backward is this country...I hate my life...oh there is 1 good thing, my bf. Thats about it tho.


Well-known member
Well congratulations, finally someone who appreciates certain aspects of their life. It can't be all that bad. Can it???? This thing we call life....


Well-known member
there is always something that would make my life better somthing that is unattainable whether it be a facial feature that i would like to change a woman that i will never have or the job i will never get

i have been broguht up to expect nothing less then the best or perfection,but this is imposible so i spend my days craveing the things that i will never have or things that i could have had,

so i have become bitter and hate everyone who has something i dont which is extremely shallow, looks money outgoing personality girlfreind car or just an easy mind there is always something that would make my life so much easier that someone else has ,that i dont ,and sometimes i feel as though i am more deserving of that thing and would appreciate it more

but my main problem is my life and youth is passing me by and no matter what decision i make it always ends up being the wrong one