My problem is I hate society, I hate people, I hate my face, I hate my body, but most of all I hate who I am. My problem is that every time I look at my face in the mirror I want to smash my fucking face into it. My problem is that I am a loser. I have no job and I do my schooling online because I can't interact with people. My problem is that if I have a piece of chocolate I will not eat the rest of the day for fear of getting fat. My problem is that yesterday I almost cried out in public for just being out in public. My problem is that people fucking hate me. My problem is I don't have a fucking invisibility cloak. My problem is I have SA, SEVERE depression, and APD. My problem is that unless I become perfect I will never be happy. My problem is that I feel hopeless. My problem is that I will never have a fucking boyfriend. My problem is that I am not smart, special or talented. My problem is that I don't even have low self esteem, I am just realistic.
that was fun