what is up with me


New member
I designed a game back in 2009 called Rejection Therapy: Rejection Therapy

It helped me get out of my comfort zone more., and it's helping a lot of other people as well.

Good luck and God bless!

P.S. Go ahead and contact me if you have any questions.


Well-known member
No im not gay, but some of my close friends do say that i am a very stuck up person but i never really paid too much attention to that but alot of peoples replies have been related to narcissism. i do have a lot of confidence in myself but a narcisist? maybe, because i do kinda think i am somewhat better than the majority of the people i come in contact with. what can i do to humble myself i guess

Wow You ladies don't know what your missing.:rolleyes:


Well-known member
Just because you're confident in your looks doesn't mean you're a confident person. You need a manly type of girl if you want to be the pretty one in the relationship, skirt for you pants for her. Sorry but you don't get to have your cake and eat it to. You want her to approach you, ask you out and make the moves? Dont expect a prom queen. I'm not really sure what your question is but stop relying on your looks to get things done for you because its obviously not working. Wanna humble your self? It's easy. Realize you are not better than any one and unless you wanna be a model or something your looks don't mean a thing. It sounds mean but its true.
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Well-known member
No im not gay, but some of my close friends do say that i am a very stuck up person but i never really paid too much attention to that but alot of peoples replies have been related to narcissism. i do have a lot of confidence in myself but a narcisist? maybe, because i do kinda think i am somewhat better than the majority of the people i come in contact with. what can i do to humble myself i guess

Well, some experts think this whole society of ours is a bit (or a lot) narcissistic.. What can you do? Actually, you can start appreciating the good things in people (despite their flaws) and maybe start observing people who made great things in life, who you can admire.. often, these people can be very humble and down-to earth.. often, these people had flaws too, but still managed to make great things happen.. maybe you can learn from them.. maybe you can learn to see and accept your own flaws too.. even 'perfect' people usually have some..

You can ask yourself in what ways do you see yourself 'better' than other people? Usually everyone is an expert in something, and are you an expert in all the areas that other people around you are? See what I mean? It's impossible to be an expert in 'everything' as there is just too much knowledge and information out there.. Even if you are very smart and goodlooking, there may be areas of knowledge that you may have absolutely no clue about.. It's good to be humble and recognize others who do seem to have more clue in those areas.. (even if they may not know 'everything' or 'anything' in some of your expert areas..) Okay it's good to think with your own head and double-check things and learn from your experience too..

If you are overconfident it can be a kind of defense mechanism too.. (Like, 'Don't come near me, I'm too perfect'..)

You need to ask yourself, do you only want to be perfect and like a museum sofa that only gets to be looked at, or do you want to live life and experience things, and what kind of things do you want to make happen and experience? (even regular plain old chairs can be okay for a fun family meeting or a party or an eco activist meeting :D they can actually take part in active fun exciting life... while the 'too pretty' ones may just be good to look at, you know? :rolleyes:)
Something like that, lol.. :D


Well-known member
Well, personally, I don't have a solution to offer, but on the bright side of things, since you are a good looking guy, there would always be opportunities for you like you mentioned, so I guess you can always go back to the dating scene when you are more ready?