What is to happen after the meds have adjusted to your brain?


After 3 months of my effexor I was told by a drugstore guy that you feel the temporary state of depression which I am currently feeling. Just because your not feeling that mellow high feeling after the first week of the meds doesn't necessarly mean that it has stopped working right?
After 3 months of my effexor I was told by a drugstore guy that you feel the temporary state of depression which I am currently feeling. Just because your not feeling that mellow high feeling after the first week of the meds doesn't necessarly mean that it has stopped working right?

No, the aim of antidepressants is to even out your mood and hold it at a level, not too low, not too high. Discuss it with your doctor if you have any concerns as they can adjust and alter as needed
Listen to this guy.

Ignore this guy.

You can actually make it harder for medications to help you with the wrong attitude.

Nocebo - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The way you think about meds changes the way they affect you.

So are meds helping you? Are they going to solve your problems in life? How do meds solve circumstances in your life that cause depression and anxiety? THEY DON'T. The whole theory behind meds is that you have chemical imbalances in your brain. YEAH RIGHT! I speak from experience and not some idiot who take meds and listens to doctors blindly.
I took meds for 2 years, so many antidepressants, anti anxiety meds and a whole slew of others. They never helped, you know why? BECAUSE THEY ARE NOT MEANT TO CURE ANXIETY AND DEPRESSION! I did believe that they would and I gave alot of faith into them. I took them always as prescribed. I have not heard of one single soul that was cured of any of their mental illnesses taking meds. All meds do if anything, is SUPPRESS your feelings. And create this illusion that they are helping you. In fact, most of the time all you feel are side effects.

Depression and anxiety are only symptoms of your current and past circumstances. When you find better ways to cope those feelings change. Alot of times acceptance is all you need. Has nothing to do with chemical imbalances, that's a scam created by the drug companies and doctors. Do you have any idea how much antidepressants cost?? Its all about the money. Do you think for 1 second they give a **** about people? You now how it is when you go to the doctors, they fill your prescription and rush you out the door.
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Well-known member
After a while of taking a med at one dosage consistently, you usually have to up the dose a bit to have the same effect as the lower dose would give you.

Though on this topic, I agree more with what Punk is saying. I've taken a handful of meds and they're not something you should expect to be taking for the rest of your life. They can get you over a rough patch, but then it's up to you to keep the momentum going.
Alright, here we go.

Mental disorders cannot be cured, they can only be managed. No-one here said that they were cures, I would appreciate you not putting words in people's mouths.

Depression and Anxiety are, in fact, based on your circumstances, UNLESS YOU HAVE A MENTAL DISORDER THAT THROWS THE CHEMICALS IN YOUR ****ING BRAIN OFF BALANCE.
If you can simply change your circumstances, and rid yourself of your problems, then good - you are a normal, mentally healthy person and probably do not need long term medication.

Now for the rest of us, acceptance is all we need? Anxiety and depression are just always symptoms of circumstance? You obviously do not know what it is like to have mental problems that plague you regardless of your environmental circumstances, and having thoughts force-fed to you by some part of you brain that isn't functioning correctly.

You speak from experience, huh? And this obviously gives you authority over entire fields of neurology, chemistry, physiology, psychology, and medicine, right?

You have absolutely no damned clue what medications do, you ignorant ****. They alter the chemicals in your brain that are off balance and allow you to recover a modicum of balanced thinking so that you can see things in true perceptive, not screwed by whatever is twisting your brain. Your bull**** about some international scam created by leagues of scientists, and an entire field of human studies, just to make money is a conspiracy theory that should land your ass on some island far, far away so that people wouldn't have to listen to you.

LOL. That's all I have to say.


Staff member
Had many people report this thread (thx), the mods have discussed this. and....

You two need to learn that people are allowed opinions that differ without personally attacking each other over it. infractions seem pointless as the pair have you have recived them in the past. Last chance salloon from now on.

back on topic please


Thank you for that Remus.

But I wanna say ...I'm very disappointed and let down by this forum. I came here because I thought I could learn from others who suffer from Social Phobia like me, because I just recently in the past month discovered mine. I came here...for help.

As of lately it feels like I'm mentally falling apart again, the way I was feeling before the med. And when taking the meds I got better, and now a days I feel like they are not working anymore, so that is why I'm asking "Am I wrong?"

I've felt sickening hatred of people that wronged me long ago. I've been feeling sudden jealousy of someone I shouldn't feel threatened by of having a (likely) crush on my best friend Jennifer who I feel I am having feelings for.

And tonight at work I felt mentally broken with my attention span. Like there were these memory gaps, these large multiple holes in my mind, things mentally in the wrong order. Easily distracted. Like my A.D.D. was tearing me apart.
You have to work with the medicine - not against it, to make it most efficient. Like say you take your meds but you go and turn into a recluse - then you'll feel like crap, physically and 'behaviourly' - regardless of the medicine. Make sense?

Another thing is, I've read, that you have to 'up' the dosage after a while - seems our bodies/minds get used to it or something, so see if you can get your doctor to up the dosage.

But most importantly, work with the medicine, let it do it's job. It's like taking pain-relievers for pain, but you keep banging yourself where it hurts - when you do behaviours that go against what your medication is trying to do.
I think both Enalis and PunkRotten had good points by the way... No need to fight over it though... that's just sad. Add both of the good things about their viewpoints and you get the truth :)


Well-known member
im supposed to go to see if i need meds next month.....im not sure if im even willing to take them