what is the right way to overcome social phobia ?

what is the right way to overcome social phobia ?

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Well-known member
There is no "right way" there are different ways that work for different people. There is no magic one-size-fits all treatment. For me a combination of cognitive behavioral therapy and antidepressants seemed to work, but who knows what would work for someone else.
both medication and behaviour therapy work.

So by using both, you're only bound to do better ;). So i say both... but to be more accurate:

CBT, medication, exposure therapy, metacognative therapy (though I haven't tried this one yet).


Well-known member
It's different for everyone. I don't think medication cures the main problem though; It just makes the symptoms more tolerable.


New member
I am surprised no one voted for medication. Perhaps some voted for both.

At several points in my life anti-depressants saved my life. Now I am on an anti-convulsant that somehow allows my good feelings to arise. Normally I am extremely morose and suicidal.

i had the same feeling with u..also in ur previous post.. the anxiety made my mind exhausted and i couldn't do anything else include study and talk with sb..it been for 8 years.Now i torturous and wanna be suicide..no more happy in this life..After i found out my disorder social phobia,i regconize this is my situation.. Can you tell me how can u overcome it?