What is the first thing you think of someone when he calls you retared?


Well-known member
Or you can put your self in there shoes and say what do you do or say about people who acts strangely around you?

I wouldn't say SA made me hate society, people made me feel that way. You see a quiet person he may talk to others but when he gets around you he may feel or seems like a completely different person. If people call you retarded just because you made them feel uncomfortable around them then what type of people are they.

What is wrong with people. I'm hearing more suicide percentage is going up. more bully since the 90s and 80 went on a rise. this is not just in school but in work areas as well.


Well-known member
What is wrong with people. I'm hearing more suicide percentage is going up. more bully since the 90s and 80 went on a rise. this is not just in school but in work areas as well.
I ask myself the same question - what the hell *IS* wrong with people? It's so hard to meet genuine, down-to-earth people who have no agenda these days.

I've never understood bullying. It's just not something that would ever cross my mind to do to someone!


Well-known member
It's interesting to consider motives. I touched on this in another thread, the reasons that could motivate someone to act like this are limitless. I have encountered people that just have an inherent nasty nature. Many of those have everything they want, so I suspect that they simply have been too secure to have to worry about other people. Others I have noted have a very low threshold for stress and vent their frustration in destructive ways, offsetting it on others. Not necessarily bad people, just ignorant in dealing with their issues. I find Youtube is a place for a lot of venting. It's also a place where arrogance roams free though.

I don't hate society, but I do have an intest distaste for people who hurt others. Particularly if they have the capacity to help people. I'm definitely more aware that not everyone is a fundamentally good person, that's the result of my condition. It can be a benefit and a curse. A lot of good people have been bracketed as a threat. What might their impression be of me? And what effect might that have on them? The shoe now on the other foot.
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Well-known member
Some people seem to 'feel better' if they put someone else down.
I've read that in a bad economic climate, insults/quarrells/bullying or even violence etc may likely increase, withing families too... yikes... That's really sad... It's a time when people would need to stick together and help each other...

Sometimes it goes like this: 'Boss yells at dad/work-related struggles etc > dad yells at mum and/or the kids > kid yells at younger sis/other kids at school...' It's really sad, I've seen it happen though...

Some people/kids can also be just spoilt, yikes... or may have unrealistic expectations of life, themselves, the universe... (?) or can get frustrated easily, there can also be misunderstandings

Sometimes, it can be just friendly teasing, and they may mean nothing by it...

People have never called me this, so I wouldn't know what to reply, maybe I've been called some other things... Sometimes it's difficult to know what to reply, especially if it's from someone you'd never expect it from... It depends who it is, are they important to your life or can they be ignored easily and you can just hang out with other people instead... Sometimes you do need to stand up for yourself, in an honest or humorous way... It really depends on the situation...

Some schools and workplaces have anti-bullying programs (or need them), mediation or people you can contact etc. There are websites and organisations on anti-bullying and such too...


not actually Fiona Apple
Looks can be deceiving I would think to myself. I'd think they made a premature assertion but could not blame them for making the guess depending on how I acted. Being called retarded sounds more like an general insult to me though, so if someone straight up called me that I would be thinking about what I may have done to upset them.
I don't like judgemental people. Oh well, judgements can be good though.
But not the ''RUDE'' ones. Just only the ones that is good to be confronted with like good feedback. Like when a person tells me to change something or a habit or be more concrete or such. I take the feedback and advice as a good thing to work on!!

But the judgements like, You're ugly, stupid, weird, quiet, from those loud kids,, I hate it yep I do..

Can't stand it XD then i'm a lion GRRRRRRrrrr