what have you done today that has scared you?


Well-known member
yesterday i got a phone call from my sons teacher saying i should come into school to see my son in his speach therepy class. I can cope with this its fine just my son and his teacher.
I got into school this morning and was asked infront of the other parents if i would stay in for the morning to see what my son gets upto in his lessons 8O
I nearly died though i couldnt say no, i would have looked like a totaly bad mum. The first class was music and drama 8O :(
I had to join in and i felt like such a fool.
The teachers actually looked like they were so embaressed of me being there. I actually thought i was going to be sick i was so nervouse. :) I couldnt see properly because my blood was rushing so much i thought i would pass out.....i wish i did.
However my anxiety did start to come down and i did start to relax slightly.
I carnt get over the look on their faces though and i feel so ashamed. :(
I know we have to do these things to get used to different situations however also know that people gossip and i can imagine just what they will be saying and i will feel so bad next time i have to go into school................wish i wasnt such a freak.
im gonna buy a bottle of wine and veg out infront of the telly tonight.....at least its friday.
I do have this weird feeling though that i was pleased i did it........


Well-known member
wow, blue, that must have been horrible, I can totally relate.....but well done for sticking it out!

I've had a fairly rough morning....I go to this bible study group on friday mornings, and usually I can just about manage it, but this morning I just went dead silent the whole time. There was only 3 of us, so the other two must have noticed my silence. But they were both voicing such intelligent opinions, while my mind was totally blank....I feel so retarted sometimes....I really worry I might be brain damaged or something....and I had to turn down 2 invitations aswell....one to an art workshop and another to come to church on sunday, but I didn't want to do either, and I just HATE saying no to people's requests. I just constantly feel like I'm such an awful, shameful person and at any moment it's all gonna spill out and everybody will see it and that look will flood their faces....that pitying, confused, "what's wrong with him" kind of look. ...aah, but I'm back home now and suddenly I feel fine again! so weird!


Well-known member
Wow, good on you staying and following through with that, blue!

I had to deal with a very angry client on the phone today. My voice was shaking VERY badly, but I managed not to just start crying. I got my supervisor to help me out in dealing with the client, so it is sort of settled on my end. Usually, after dealing with a bad client like that, I would be really shaky and wouldn't be able to do any work for a while, but I actually let go of it pretty quickly this time.


I went on a date with someone ,I met online, after having spoken to him on the phone. It was a dinner date, and it was awful. We had clicked on the phone and then on meeting him, everything went down hill from there. He turned out to be such a snob, hypercritical and the conversation was very strained. I couldn't be myself and yet on the phone I got on so well with him. I went home and just felt relieved, that the pressure was off and I didn't have to see him again.


Well-known member
I went to work. Then went grocery shopping (i'm good for 2 weeks now) then i went to the auto parts store, i swear the 2 guys working there were talking about me as i left, don't know what they said though. I think i come across as an asshole sometimes and i don't mean too. I have to work on this!


Well-known member
i sat by a lonely girl and she was talking on the phone and she looked me like this : :roll:


I sat in the hall, where all the students came out from the cantine... And I was wearing a raincoat and really ugly cloth because I had just been to sport-lesson with the rest of my class... And then...I've told one fellowstudent/friend about my nervousness and I was really nervous around her right there and couldn't really face her eyes and just sat and where quiet... and I couldn't concentrate not even on my food...Ha ha I was really clumsyxD and I was just sitting there being weird while the other of my friends talked for a while... but appart from that I had the most perfect day I talked much more and were much funnier then I'm used to be even with some from the other classes and talked so much and laught with them... It's really misterious...?:p But I'm so glade I'm getting better...for a little while ago I cried very often, but I don't cry so often anymore!!xD I don't know why I cried I just did;P...BUT that's over so everything is just great!!;D


Well-known member
I hope your son appreciates this someday, blue.

I came to school early to take a quiz I missed a day I was absent. I had to write an essay in English (gag). I mentioned my difficulty speaking French to my French teacher for the first time in weeks. (I'd been pretending the first conversation about this had never happened.) I found the room that chess club is in and went for the first time. I called one person I've never called before. I called one person I haven't called in a while, and her dad (who I've never met) picked up, and he didn't understand me when I gave him my phone number, which really upset me, so I came here to say so. Don't ask me why it's so scary that he misunderstood. :roll:


Well-known member
I went to the movies tonight with some friends of mine and, quite out of the blue, started talking to the strangers sitting around me. I was in good spirits and just "seized the moment". It felt alright. I got good reactions too. I even made the girl next to me laugh. Can't remember exactly what I said, but it just felt like the most natural thing in the world to be friendly to these people I'd never seen before.

On my way home, I also talked to two girls at the train station and they responded quite well. That said, they had been drinking heavily and probably would have spoken to anyone!

None of these encounters were planned. I just did it on the spur of the moment. I think that's the way we should be in life. Don't think about it...just do it!


Well-known member
:D I read all the posts and its made me smile today :)
We all think we are so weird yet we all think so much alike....Maybe we are pretty normal after all :D
I hope everyone has a good day today I have been feeling pretty down lately :( I get phases were i feel really paranoid and feel like the whole world hates me ........I saw my next door neighbour the other day i said hi and he just ignored me and spoke over my head to my partner :( i had to stand there while they spoke then he said bye using my partners name and didnt even make eye contact with me.......felt like such a loser :roll:
So big thanx for all the posts you all made me smile today :D


Well-known member
maybe it is what i DIDN'T do. today i hid out in my room for 5 hours straight after waking up without going to the bathroom or getting a drink because there was company that i just did not want to deal with. i didn't want to deal with having to awkwardly say hello and i didn't want to have to deal with being judged.