What caused your Social phobia?

Things that may have contributed - introversion, alcoholic parent, bullied, low self-esteem, lack of self-belief, the nonsense of a catholic upbringing, wrong school choice, girl-shyness, moved home too much, overbearing siblings and friends, traumatic event in teens.


Well-known member
Hmm, well I was very social up until I was 13 and started going through depression and other emotional issues. The only factors I know of that might have caused my social phobia are being bullied, being cheated on twice (that actually resulted because of my SA which my boyfriends weren't too fond of...), the death of my father when I was 7, and the fear of losing my mom a year after my dad died when she was diagnosed with breast cancer. Also, I was often called to the school psychologist's office to discuss my feelings regarding the loss of my father, which made me pretty uncomfortable. Then again, I don't think anyone would be too happy discussing the death of a loved one... Oh and then having to go to court when I was 10 to testify against the company responsible for my father's death. Going to court and having to testify was quite traumatizing for me, especially at that age.
Hmm, well I was very social up until I was 13 and started going through depression and other emotional issues. The only factors I know of that might have caused my social phobia are being bullied, being cheated on twice (that actually resulted because of my SA which my boyfriends weren't too fond of...), the death of my father when I was 7, and the fear of losing my mom a year after my dad died when she was diagnosed with breast cancer. Also, I was often called to the school psychologist's office to discuss my feelings regarding the loss of my father, which made me pretty uncomfortable. Then again, I don't think anyone would be too happy discussing the death of a loved one... Oh and then having to go to court when I was 10 to testify against the company responsible for my father's death. Going to court and having to testify was quite traumatizing for me, especially at that age.

that sucks to hear about the counciling at school and being made to testify at court at that young age...some people have no idea about the trauma one can inflict on a child at a young age...it was insensitive for people to subject you to that, and my experiance of the sort of free counciling you got at school is that its usually pointless and even counterproductive....it seems like in generall the councilers have slim to none knowledge of pshycology and just ask you a bunch of questions about the incident, which all that does is make you feel really uncomfortable...its like any old random has been employed to do the job....for instance if you have ever been admitted to a public hospital for self harm they will just pass you around a bunch of amateaur psychologists and all they do is just ask you these mundaine questions, that do not help in the slightest.


Well-known member
that sucks to hear about the counciling at school and being made to testify at court at that young age...some people have no idea about the trauma one can inflict on a child at a young age...it was insensitive for people to subject you to that, and my experiance of the sort of free counciling you got at school is that its usually pointless and even counterproductive....it seems like in generall the councilers have slim to none knowledge of pshycology and just ask you a bunch of questions about the incident, which all that does is make you feel really uncomfortable...its like any old random has been employed to do the job....for instance if you have ever been admitted to a public hospital for self harm they will just pass you around a bunch of amateaur psychologists and all they do is just ask you these mundaine questions, that do not help in the slightest.

Very much agreed :/