What are your favourite movies?


Sorry if there is a similar thread!
I love talking movies. Actors, genres etc

My favourites are *drum rollllllllll*

1. There will be blood
2. Inglorious basterds
3. Gangs of New York
4. Fight Club
5. Candy
6. The Departed
7. The Prestige
8. Due date
9. Anchorman
10. Wall e
11. American History X
12. SAW movies
13. X-men movies
14. Disney Alice in wonderland
15. Pans Labyrinth

I could probably go on and on............and on

If you like the similar movies please reccomend me some to watch



Omg lol He looks so different without a beard, I will defenitely download it.
I heard drive is good! I will watch it when it's new realease on dvd. Not to fond of gosling tho


Well-known member
1. Batman Begins (2005)
2. Batman (1989)
3. RoboCop (1987)
4. Watchmen (2009) <! but Nite Owl's costume bugs me !>
5. The Lord of the Rings (2001 - 2003) <! all three, because I have to watch them one after the other :p !>
6. Sin City (2005)
7. The Dark Knight (2008) <! a little overrated in my opinion, 'cos of Joker !>
8. Kick-Ass (2010)
9. 300 (2006)
10. Iron Man (2008)
11. Iron Man 2 (2010)
12. Batman Returns (1992) <! Catwoman and Penguin were good, but they took away from the Batman !>

I know that The Dark Knight Rises is going to be amazing, even if not as good as Batman Begins, and I expect that Man of Steel will be awesome too. I don't just watch superhero films - but they do happen to be my favourites. :p I also like most films by Tim Burton, like Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street. I would rate that higher than half of the films on my list, but I wouldn't call it a favourite.


Well-known member
I don't think she'll be as good a Catwoman as Michelle Pfeiffer, somehow, and what we've been able to see of the costume so far, it ... is not very Catwoman is it? Michelle Pfeiffer, and Grey DeLisle for Arkham City, were great! It's not that it's Anne Hathaway specifically for me, it's that ... it's Christopher Nolan's interpretation of Catwoman, when I was never that impressed with his Joker or Two-Face. The costume is not impressing me. :p


Whatever, I just can't really see Anne Hathaway giving a performance to match Michelle Pfeiffer - not because I don't like her, I only ever saw her in Tim Burton's Alice in Wonderland, but because I can't ... see it working quite as well. :p But as Gary Oldman's Jim Gordon said, I've been wrong before. Hard to be the best Catwoman when up against Michelle Pfeiffer, and Ed Brubaker's Catwoman costume. :p


Well-known member
Donnie Darko is one of my favourite movies.
I also like trash japanese movies such as Machine Girl, Tokyo Gore Police, Grotesque etc.
I love splatter :Q___
chariots of fire
the mission
rocky 1
dragon- life story of bruce lee-jason scott lee
12 angry men
midnight cowboy
life of brian
scent of a woman


Well-known member
1. Me and You and Everyone We Know
2. Eraserhead
3. No Country For Old Men
4. Full Metal Jacket
5. Dead Poets' Society
6. Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon
7. Everything is Illuminated
8. The Darjeeling Limited
9. The Princess Bride
10. Gettysburg
....I'll have to think some more and add to this list later...
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Well-known member
Donnie Darko is one of my favourite movies.
I also like trash japanese movies such as Machine Girl, Tokyo Gore Police, Grotesque etc.
I love splatter :Q___

Donnie Darko is great, i like movies that make you think...