What are you doing today?

I'm sitting on a plane right now in Anchorage, Alaska, waiting for take off. Then I'll be landing back home in San Francisco, California. And hopefully tons of sleeeeeep!!!
Lots of exposure planned for today. I already went to mass for my grandad's anniversary mass, and I stayed even though I stood at the back, but I waited there while everyone left and there were crowds of people around me. Also went for a coffee with my dad, and into a busy shop. Did some driving around the countryside too but that's not too hard! Later on I plan on going to my boyfriend's house which I haven't been able to do much lately, and to stay there for a few hours.

You got me on a productive day! For the rest of the week I'll probably just sit at home and go on the internet :rolleyes:


Well-known member
It's a hot and sunny day outside here too, i'm gonna call some ppl to make some plans like go play some pool or somethin' else. Also watch UFC 100 which i'm downloading rite now. I'm a big MMA fan and also learning it for 3 yrs!!!:)


Well-known member
I might go to a SA meetup at the beach....I'm kinda feeling like I might back out though. :-/ We'll see!
If I don't do that, I'll be running errands.


I went out last night to a friends for the first time in a while :) Recovering from the self inflicted hangover today.
Re: Yesterday's today

Staring at the ceiling, looking for patterns that look like things.

lol me and my friend used to do that all the time! Fuuun :D

I was camping with my two friends and 4 girls that I don't know this weekend. So this morning we just packed everything up and headed home. Tonight we're gonna go see Bruno at the theater lol looks like a dumb movie but w'ever


Well-known member
Haha me too! Fun fun fun! Good luck with the hunt!

Thanks! Let's hope for a quick and beneficial result for both our searches! I wish my search was in the UK. I've never been, but always wanted to go out there. But obviously with my situation right now, it just can't happen anytime soon.


Well-known member
I am taking my daughter and her friend to the mall. I will check out the book store for awhile and than come home. Later I have an appointment with my therapist.