What are/were your strange OCD rituals?


Staff member
As a kid I never trod on the cracks in the pavement. I've always had a thing about even numbers.


Well-known member
I'm obsessed with the numbers 227 and 212...not sure why. I use to add, multiply, divide, subtract numbers that I saw in different places-addresses, telephone numbers, sequential lisense plate digits, whatever-especially if the sum, product, difference at the end or beginning is in the last or beginning place.
I walk in the center of squares in floors or on the sidewalks.
I have to rinse my face 20 times in the morning... I just have to... Or I can't leave the house.
On the tv, the volume has to be at even numbers. On the microwave, I use increments of 5.

I'm not sure if that counts. I was never diagnosed, yet I never told anyone about it. It doesn't disrupt my life...it's just rituals here and there.


Well-known member
I have almost completely stopped my rituals they used to be:
putting all the picture frames face down so they don't fall, compulsive hand washing (it's a lot better now), teeth brushing is still too much work, and afraid of contamination (cross contamination too). Daily life still consists of vinyl gloves, masks and changing sweaters constantly because something got contaminated.
I've recently started collecting pictures of taps, I don't know why (idk if this is ocd related though) I think i'm just quirky


Well-known member
On the tv, the volume has to be at even numbers.

^ That. Even numbers are nice numbers. Even though my favorite numbers are 49 and 89, the only odd numbers I like.

Other things, I can't drink something someone else has had a sip from. (Unless it's a girl I find attractive) This goes for all drinks and food. Sadly this makes me come across as selfish which I really hate.

I can't stand my hands being dirty, although thankfully I'm not obsessed with washing them, a quick scrub and I'm done. It's mainly the smell that annoys me.

I hate the feeling of other peoples skin, unless it's a girl I find attractive. (In fact, pretty much all my "rules" are broken by girls I find attractive)

I love to sing along to music, however I don't actually sing it, I just lip sync it. It feels to me like I've taken on the artists voice instead of my own and feels like it's me singing like that.


Well-known member
When I'm out, I have to keep checking my pocket to make sure my iPod and headphones are still in it. Even if I'm in a car, I have the strange feeling they might have somehow ended up out on the highway or something. What's funny is I often find myself checking my pocket when they're in my hands. Also if I'm on fb mobile and I see a pic or status I really don't wanna like (maybe it's something sad or something I disagree with), I have to keep scrolling back up to it to make sure I haven't accidentally liked it. That one is actually starting to get pretty annoying. I've never had any counting, though.


Well-known member
^ That. Even numbers are nice numbers.

I've always thought of even numbers as being better than odd. Which is really strange because I've never had any compulsions about numbers. Even when I recheck things I don't have to do it a certain number of times. Some other weird thing about my brain, I guess.