Weirdest thing I ever did see


Well-known member

I've thought of becoming a mortician; but I'm not very smart, so I doubt I could cram all of the anatomy information into my brain -- not to mention... everything else.


Well-known member

I've thought of becoming a mortician; but I'm not very smart, so I doubt I could cram all of the anatomy information into my brain -- not to mention... everything else.

Good thing I called it weirdi-est :D

It can't be that hard.

1. Gett'em naked.

2. Try not to look at their junk.

3. Drain blood (where does all the blood go?)

4. Put in embalming fluid

5. Dress them.

6. Repeat

In one of the videos, she lists the jobs you can do WITHOUT a specific education. You can be an assistant to a mortician without going to school.