We all have our depressing moments....


I know we all have our depressing moments, but its good to crack a smile or laugh a few times at these moments so~
Lets make everyone smile :)

Here are the rules:
1.) You can post any image from the internet that makes you laugh.
2.) You can post videos that are funny.
3.) Tell stories about your funniest embarrising moments.
4.) If your depressed. Sit down and relax and have a good time here (I know this aint a good rule.)

I'll start first with an embarrising story:

When I was starting freerunning I landed wall flips and other stunts perfectly. I saw a girl walking and wanted to impress her (you know where this is going right :cool: ?). So I found a building that I wanted to wall flip against (wall flip is running up the wall and then doing a back flip). I ran up the wall did the flip but overturned the flip and I landed on my face against the pavement ::(: AND THE GIRL WAS STANDING RIGHT THERE TO! I was bleeding on my face and she asked if I was ok. I just ran away from that moment. I learned a valuable lesson (well two):
1.) Don't try to impress a hot girl with flips because it usually ends in a disaster.
2.) Don't run up against a wall and over turn your flip.
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I was waiting in line at the store today to be served and behind me was a mother with her small child. The cashier looked past me and said "aw arent you a little cutie" directing it to the child, I said "why thank you for noticing it's not often I get compliments"

-both the mother and cashier smiled... I think.

Couldn't tell... I was too busy laughing at my own wit.


Well-known member
Before I moved in the house I live in now I used to live in a town house. I guess I was really out of it because I totally walked into someone else home thinking it was mine. I got mid way to the dinning room & realized this wasnt my house. lol, I was so embarrassed. I didn't even know who the people were.