Want to know the core issue behind social anxiety?


Why do people have eye contact problems? Or are obsessed with how their eyes look when they look at someone, like i had this problem. Iam not over my social anxiety yet but soon in a month or so, and i dont care about my eyes at all anymore.

I dont care how i look, how my voice sounds when i talk, pfff thats so stupid lol

Assertive as hell around my family, i dont clean for them anymore, let myself get used by them nothing like that, iam in control now,

Before it was do this and do this and i went and did it because i didnt want to argue, why? If i would say no, my mother would be against me. I would be in fear of losing the only one i have. So i was doing everything she told me. ANother example how loneliness has everything to do with it

You see i didnt feel loneliness at all but anxiety, it would just be the consequence my mind was protecting me from, to not argue, or i will risk being alone

tahts why you have people in this world that you can bully as much as you want they will never do anything against it.

If my fahter told me to pick up shit i probably would, now i would throw the shit at him with no second thought if he would disrespect me like that.

Hell yea. I matter again, noone is going to treat me like shit anymore, its all gone.


Or another compulsion, with how i look, oh boy every morning when i woke up fearing that my chin grew larger or my nose grew bigger overnight, I was standing in front of my mirror touching and looking at it for hours driving myself crazy

all because i feared i will get ugly and not be accepted and end up alone forever

now i look at myself and think damn i look beutiful, people would want to die for a as good looking face as i have. pictures i was looking at for hours a day deciding if i look pretty or ugly lol, i can clearly say i look better than leonardo di caprio lol

my eyes once my worst feature, they are my best now, i feel like every girl i look in the eye wants me

fuck what a life i have in front of me, i was counting days like iam sooo old already, now i feel like iam young again, 21 lol and EFT and Emotrance the tools that are going to make me fearless and successfull

man i was as fucked up as it gets, overcoming social anxiety is possible, I always knew iam to good and to smart to live with social anxiety lol


i wont be back for a while coz iam working on myself and self discipline is the key,

if you believe my theory or not, its up to you, its working for me, that all that matters

and if you think you have a better theory what social anxiety causes let me hear it.

I tell you though theres nothing else that is as life threatening as being alone to us that could cause social anxiety

if it wouldnt have anything to do with loneliness, you all wouldnt be depressed, counting your days when life will end and so on.

you cant tell me iam scared of other peoples judgement so much that i have an anxiety disorder, thats bullshit. Not possible, that its only for that reason is just not possible.

we are social beings, people are almost like food and water to us. we need them

iam talking out of my head lol

Take care


noone replieng to this, doesnt suprise me either. As i know your minds are trying to protect you, your minds will not accept the fact that its loneliness, i would never ever found out its loneliness, if i wouldnt hear it from someone else, it would be impossible, someone else who worked with me

it reminds me of a memory, when i once argued with my brother and out of nowhere he said in a mean way"Everyone can notice because of my face that iam shy whenever someone asks me somethingt" Complete anxiety at the time, trying to fight it off as my life depended on it

It meant to me iam bad, iam weak, iam stupid all that stuff, but deeper than that it meant to me my brother doesnt like me anymore,iam not good enough, its bad how i act, the whole world is against me, do other people think they same about me? I felt anxiety at the time, no loneliness at all, despite thats what it meant, i feared i will be lonely, no one likes me. It was so shocking, like its something i didnt know about myself all the time, but everyone else did, iam in danger, what if theres more bad stuff about me, i felt terrible. All caused by the fear of being alone


Well-known member
dude you're fucking lost. you know how I know you're wrong? because I don't have SAD!! I only get shy, clumsy, pathetic and nervous around attractive girls. It is my achilles' heel. I have a ton of close friends, dozens of more branched off friends, and can approach anyone anywhere to find out or do anything spontaneously. I just can't approach hot girls. I also have OCD, that's why I post here. I venture into the social anxiety forum just out of curiosity. The difference between me talking to a random guy in my class and a hot girl in my class? Performance anxiety. If I could relax around the girl, I could be myself and probably get somewhere.

Thanks for playing.


man you are soooo wrong, your blind! Always talking about performance anxiety.

Performance Anxiety is a cause for something!!! Something is behind it!! Not all guys are scared of talking to hot girls!!!!

Your like for example.
if sleeping is anxiety and tiredness the cause for anxiety.

You just keep on talking how every time you lie down on a bed you fall asleep as soon as you lied donw and couldnt enjoy the beauty of the hot looking bed lol

so you try to fight the sleeping, instead of whats behind the sleeping, the tiredness.

Eliminate the tiredness and you will never fall asleep around a hot bed lol.

didnt i give an example before about why guys are scared of girls?

why people fear public speech?

why do you you think wifes with abusive husbands are still together living with them? The wife might have been a 100 times when her husband abused her already in the car and wanting to drive away, but something in the subconscious mind told her its dangerous to go away?

Why? because she has been told she is no good a 1000 times and she believes she wont find anyone else who will want her and love her so she will live alone.

You fear getting rejected by a girl coz you fear you will end up being rejected by every hot girl. which leads you to being alone!!!!!!!! Not getting hot girls

If you dont care about girls that are not hot looking, if they like you or not, why you think that is so???????

coz you can live without them, get it? You just dont care about them, so you act yourself around them. COZ YOU KNOW YOU CAN GET A GIRL LIKE THAT. you dont fear her, you dont fear saying the wrong things to her coz you are not scared of ending up without a not so hot looking girl

You want this hot girl so badly, but you fear she doesnt want you,
A rejection from a hot girl, you will take it so badly,

Stop talking about performance anxiety please, rathere think about whats causing the performance anxiety

I told you you are blocked by this, you cant see its fear of being alone. Your mind doesnt let you access this.

What do you think would happen if i would tell a wife she is beeing abused and doesnt want to live the husband coz she fears she will end up alone. She would fight it off like hell, to her it would mean she is in danger if thats true.

You think you are smart saying you dont have social anxiety? Haha lol, i gave so many examples before where this fear of being alone is all in our lives.

Claustrophobia i had i, its already gone, a fear of small places, you fear you will be there forever alone and die.

I could lie in a small place for hours it wouldnt bother me.

I was scared of going blind. If i would get blind i would kill myself the moment, it happens it was related to i would be alone and scared if i were blind, alone in a way that i wouldnt see people, i would be in fear that i will die, i will not be able to survive, that someone would hurt me or i would be alone and wouldnt have someone who could take care of me

that obsession gone too.

I know what iam trying to say you just cant get it coz your minds are blocking this.


getbornagain said:
dude you're fucking lost. you know how I know you're wrong? because I don't have SAD!! I only get shy, clumsy, pathetic and nervous around attractive girls. It is my achilles' heel. I have a ton of close friends, dozens of more branched off friends, and can approach anyone anywhere to find out or do anything spontaneously. I just can't approach hot girls. I also have OCD, that's why I post here. I venture into the social anxiety forum just out of curiosity. The difference between me talking to a random guy in my class and a hot girl in my class? Performance anxiety. If I could relax around the girl, I could be myself and probably get somewhere.

Thanks for playing.

BTW you said you have a ton of close friends and no social anxiety? You just proved iam right, lol

I said i bet with everyone who has a mild social anxiety has at least some friends,

people with a strong social anxiety have none


Well-known member
Ha...hmmm...Fear of being alone?

You know it's almost the opposite. One of the biggest problems with people with social anxiety is that we like the idea of being alone too much...

It's not being alone we are afraid of, it's being rejected, its being embarassed, its being hurt. We fear these things because we want to be left alone more than we want to feel companionship. IT'S ALMOST THE OPPOSITE OF FEARING BEING ALONE.

You could say that all leads to 'being alone'...and that's exactly right...because being alone is what we actually WANT. Ultimately we want to be left alone more than we want friends, because quite simply...friends cause pain.

You are looking at it backwards, although it is interesting.


Well-known member
cosmosis said:
Ha...hmmm...Fear of being alone?

You know it's almost the opposite. One of the biggest problems with people with social anxiety is that we like the idea of being alone too much...

It's not being alone we are afraid of, it's being rejected, its being embarassed, its being hurt. We fear these things because we want to be left alone more than we want to feel companionship. IT'S ALMOST THE OPPOSITE OF FEARING BEING ALONE.

You could say that all leads to 'being alone'...and that's exactly right...because being alone is what we actually WANT. Ultimately we want to be left alone more than we want friends, because quite simply...friends cause pain.

You are looking at it backwards, although it is interesting.

Hm ok but why do friends cause pain for us?? we have the anxiety for a reason, it's a natural biological response to a perceived threat. Wanting to be alone (for me) is just avoidance, rather than an actual desire to be alone. It comes from fear. You have to look real deep into your fears I think to overcome SA...


Well-known member
for me its called grow a backbone

look at fear in the face and tear its face off

dont give a sh!t of what other because deep down everyone is just as or more fcked up than you, so do not judge them even as they judge judge you

dont overthink on small intrusions because the more thinking you do about a a negative event the more hurt you will be

if people cant accept you, find other people that will because your not their b!tch

keep good posture

:some pointers i follow


Well-known member
stardog said:
Hm ok but why do friends cause pain for us?? we have the anxiety for a reason, it's a natural biological response to a perceived threat. Wanting to be alone (for me) is just avoidance, rather than an actual desire to be alone. It comes from fear. You have to look real deep into your fears I think to overcome SA...

I mean we don't desire to be alone. We desire to be alone more than we desire to have friends and there in lies the problem. It's just as you say. Avoidance. Avoidance of pain. It's not the fear of being alone. Its the fear of pain.

Why do friends cause pain? Because we focus on avoiding pain and we fail doing that because it can't be avoided and all we get in return is pain.

The reverse is true in that if you truly wanted friendship, you wouldnt have anxiety because it would be greater than your fear of pain.


cosmosis said:
Ha...hmmm...Fear of being alone?

You know it's almost the opposite. One of the biggest problems with people with social anxiety is that we like the idea of being alone too much...

It's not being alone we are afraid of, it's being rejected, its being embarassed, its being hurt. We fear these things because we want to be left alone more than we want to feel companionship. IT'S ALMOST THE OPPOSITE OF FEARING BEING ALONE.

You could say that all leads to 'being alone'...and that's exactly right...because being alone is what we actually WANT. Ultimately we want to be left alone more than we want friends, because quite simply...friends cause pain.

You are looking at it backwards, although it is interesting.

So you think you want to be alone? Noone wants to be alone.

You think you want to be alone so badly that when someone is around you it casues you anxiety?

You know what kind of people are alone? those that live in their fantasy world and have their own friends there lol

We are social beings and being alone to us means death

Let me give you an example why you fear people.

We need food to live, otherwise we die, if food could decide who gets to eat it and who dont by random reason. And it decides this just one time, if you will get to eat it forever or not even once. You would be scared to death facing the food "an apple" for example because if it doesnt let you eat it you will not get to eat it, and be hungry and die. You would be scared of finding out the truth. Its life and death situation

So you would try to avoid that apple like hell, and tell yourself next time, i will try next time when your already so hungry. THen you feel that hungriness its so strong you will die, anxiety kicks in, then you start obsessing man i fucked up, look how down iam the apple sure wont like me, i sure have worsened my chances now

You would have to face that apple than

Anxiety would be fucking strong when you would be getting close to that apple,you would want to avoid that apple again though, but its no option you have to get there and find out, you would watch its reaction closely, like your life depended on it, and boom anxiety would be so strong that you would just run away man and die from hungriness lol. What you most fear of happening is going to happen automatically like in this example, you fuck up you end up hungry
YOu would be to scared of facing the truth

OK thats just an example, not a perfect one, but you get the idea.

We human beings came to the world long years ago, and there being alone meant death, there was no tv nothing, if you were on your own you would die at the time were dinosaurs lived. get it. now the human evolved but this part is still in him. With his evolution he learned new things, how to handle problems and so on, so the mind will always go for those newer learned options he has to solve a problem, but when nothing else works to solve that problem he will go back to the beginning, and thats the fear or flight response

you cant tell me your so scared of other peoples judgement that it causes anxiety for some reson you dont know

you cant tell me you want to be alone.

Look at people who want to be alone, who really want to be alone, they dont say it in panic, they say leave me alone go away! They are not scared of anything. You get it

Because they choose to be alone, its not threatening to them, they dont belive they will end up alone forever after that.

We are like the human scared of the apple, avoiding it, we are on purpose alone away from the apple at a safe place, yes, but what happens when you are alone for a long time, avoiding people for a long time?

Like in the example, anxiety just got stronger for him the more he avoided the apple. He got more and more hungry, he felt strong hunger which meant death to him. he got so unreal that it was over, he cant save himself from it,

Now even if he survived that time and found an apple, whenever he would feel hunger he would be in total panic that it will happen again he wont find an apple to eat

He wouldnt feel hunger though, he would feel anxiety, whenever he is hungry or around an apple.

What would he think around an apple? I fear the apple will dislike me, reject me, not chose me, all reasons just not that he need to eat it to survive, as the mind is blocking this otherwise he would be in complete panic to protect him, the more bad experiences he would have with apples, the more stronger his anxiety around apples lol

thats so true for me, a period of loneliness killed me, for example

there were school summer holidays, in this period i was on my own the whole time in my room (i wanted to be lonely to be safe, because of previous experiences with people thats what causes us social anxiety because we experienced death knocking at our doors before)

so that exactly is the period when i first started to get anxiety attacks in public places while just going and buying my mother some cigarettes.

i was looking at peoples reactions towards me like my life depended on me, whenever i saw something negative boom anxiety attack,

so after school holidays over. First day i was so fucked up, i talked like my stomach is being teared apart lol. the next day i had to talk in front of the class it was horrible i blushed which i never did before

so after a week of being around people and getting along with them, my anxiety has gone down, from that survival mode, to its safe again. But in the long run it killed me, a good friend of mine left and went to another school, i changed my style of clothes and my other good friend didnt like me anymore and boom my anxiety was back even stronger. so i was around other people than, trying to befriend myself with them, but my performance anxiety was just to strong of messing it all up and ending up alone, that thats what exactly happened.

You see this one chance that i mentioned above in the apple example, is like people who are scared of hot girls. If she doesnt like them, rejects them, its over death, never get her, you know how anxious the guy would be of asking another hot girl if he already had been rejected, anxiety would just be stronger and stronger the next time, until every time he just sees a hot girl without asking her anything,he would fear she is laughing at him, or not liking him,

its all the same meaning, he will be without a hot girl, alone, here the fear is just so strong that it makes him unreal. But lets face it, its impossible to only be so anxious around hot girls and not around other girls, because your life doesnt depend on it, if a hot girl likes you or not, if you know you can atleast get another not so hot girl.

thats why only social anxiety can get so out of control that we see things that are not true, because our mind is so scared of death, we really have noone than and are alone

if girls in general are your problem and you fear you cant get any girls thats a different thing than and anxiety can get pretty strong.
Thats why some people blush when they just see a girl approaching them.

but you see anxiety will never tell you "you cant get girls, you will be alone", because thats the thing it wants to protect you from, so you will just think iam scared of saying the wrong thing and blah blah blah

Social anxiety dismantled haha hear for you. Everything makes sense to me.

Sorry for my bad english, i know its not good


cosmosis said:
stardog said:
Hm ok but why do friends cause pain for us?? we have the anxiety for a reason, it's a natural biological response to a perceived threat. Wanting to be alone (for me) is just avoidance, rather than an actual desire to be alone. It comes from fear. You have to look real deep into your fears I think to overcome SA...

I mean we don't desire to be alone. We desire to be alone more than we desire to have friends and there in lies the problem. It's just as you say. Avoidance. Avoidance of pain. It's not the fear of being alone. Its the fear of pain.

Why do friends cause pain? Because we focus on avoiding pain and we fail doing that because it can't be avoided and all we get in return is pain.

The reverse is true in that if you truly wanted friendship, you wouldnt have anxiety because it would be greater than your fear of pain.

The difference is in, to some people it causes pain,to some it doesnt,

Saying to someone you are useless if he has never felt lonely, disliked, rejected whitch is all the same, It wont do a thing, he will come back at you with confidence and bury you.

Saying to someone who has been told that before, it hurts like hell, even if he has been told other critisicm it will hurt.


Coz he felt lonely when he got critisized and it remembers him on the pain.

Social anxiety is one core issue, and around it are thousand small ones, which all lead to being alone

If you beliven me or not, but iam at the moment driving in my car around and singing and waving and just not caring bout what other people think

i dont depend on their reactions anymore, its all gone. before i feared opening my window and people just looking at me

Its working what iam doing and my theory.

Teach yourself EFT, easy and free, thank me for doing the hard work and finding the core issue loneliness, or fear of being alone

take one of your most traumatic memories, or if you dont rememeber anything a memory that happened about a month ago, as it sure must have been as strong as your social anxiety is now

and tap on how lonely you felt in this memory, if you were around a 100 people or alone it doesnt matter you felt lonely,

tap on if you were in a group of people just how lonely you felt

and you will be amazed when you look back at the memory it seems boring now, nothing special happened lol

emofree.com its free


Does anyone with a mild social anxiety dare to stay inside for 2 months?

if its not loneliness you have nothing to fear,right? you wont get judged or humiliated or whatever,right?

so you will stay the same, not change

you wont end up worse next time after 2 months you go just for a walk in public if you did that before with ease?

So wrong, despite no humiliation or painful experience you will be fucked next time you live the house.

as in the example about the apple, the longer he felt hunger the worse his anxiety, as death was knocking at his door

Its loneliness the feeling, and fear of being alone that causes social anxiety

Case closed


Well-known member
For me i think it's anger. Sometimes i don't know what i'm angry about or i get angry for no reason.

Like today at work i was really angry, i thought it was because there were alot of people around or because the boss suddenly came in, the boss didn't even say hi to me. I thought at the time i was just getting anxious but when i look at it now 12 hours later i was angry.

I think i will get fired if i don't control it or find out what's causing it. Everyone walks on eggshells when there around me. They must think i'm a ticking time bomb.


Well-known member
And google chrome fucking sucks, some letters don't show for like 5 secs and i can edit shit without having to retype the whole thing.


one last example

take a dog who is very sociable, and a cat which are very independent beings

My dog is a very sociable dog, he always wants to be around people, never alone,

he gets so stressed if he is just for a moment alone at home. he barks, and lets out sounds that sound like he is crieing

So if i wouldnt teach him the way i teach him, reward every positive thing with a reward.

rather for example punish every wrong doing with leaving him alone in a room, he would get performance anxiety if i wanted him to perform a trick i teached him

get it?

THe fear of being alone is behind this, the motivator. He would be so scared of doing things wrong and not good enough and be punished and be alone in the room.

he would question everything, am i doing this right, is that wrong, he would be in complete doubt and panic

now thats exactly how my parents raised me. here you go. it depends on your environment if you develop social anxiety or not

my father would tell me bring me this, bring me that, and i would be in fear of messing up, so i questioned everything, is this the right screwdriver he meant, or is there another one he could mean. and sure enough i messed up, my father yelled at me iam useless, and i felt so alone, noone wants me iam useless,

thats just one example, they did far worse

Get it?

I would never develop social anxiety if they wouldnt treat me like this, or i must have seen them fight and stuff like that, that can make you feel so lonely, imagine as young kid your parents hitting each other, in a moment anxiety kicks in coz you fear they will die or something will happen to them, and you will be there as a young child nowhere to go, noone to care for you.

The cat on the other hand, she is very independent, and likes to be alone, you cant teach her stuff, only if you are a pro, she just wont respond, she doesnt care about you, she is the opposite of the dog, who tries to please the owner, the independent cat wants the owner to please her, you see she does everything she wants, because she doesnt fear being alone.

She will never have performance anxiety, even if she would have been thought a trick, she wouldnt fucking care if she did it right or not

what would happen if to every human being the dog goes, the human treats him like that, punishes him for every wrong doing with being alone, making him be alone, soon he would get anxiety just by seeing people. , and avoid them like hell, thats how an anxiety disorder develops. thats the circle that he cant get out of

he wants to be social but people dont let him be social (be safe) and he fears being alone.If the dogs anxiety is so bad that he is so in his head that even the way he walks is wrong he believes, he wont approach any people, (coz he doesnt want to get burned again and feel alone) but his anxiety wont go away eitther its just worse, he doesnt feel safe alone, but not around people either so anxiety disorder,

People to the dog mean = lonelines, its the same as if he would look at a prison cell or at people. It means the same thing to him loneliness

If you all here still dont believe its fear of being alone, i give up,


Active member
hello there, your arguements are pretty logical and I can relate to very well. "we are so scared of being lonely we get anxiety and shut down when around opportunities to be with someone or people...etc. Its a fucking paradox."
I wanted to ask you, where did you come up with this or how?
Also, what are you doing to implement it into your life? Personally for me just thinking about it makes sense, but when I am actually out and about (ie. not sitting in front of the computer) I will not think twice about this and just go back to my daunting ways.....