

Well-known member
I had not considered working with the elderly. Does sound like a rewarding experience. I am sure I could learn a lot...only, sometimes I have a really hard time hearing, and older people can have such low voices. Um...could be interesting still.

I did an information video and helped the Ombudsman Services in my county. Advocates for residences of long-term care facilities. So mostly elderly. Great place to look into if interested in volunteering to help the elders of society :)


Well-known member
hmm VOLUNTEERING ... one of my favorite job... yeah i have done volunteering as a flood re leaf organization. that was great experience ... that was seems difficult that time but than after that i was enjoying helping the homeless peoples ....
i am currently trying to get hired as volunteer for ANKARA EARTHQUAKE TURKEY...contacted to a British NGO but did not get any response yet.. if you are intrusted go to commoncrises.org for volunteering in TURKEY or volunteering abroad programs etc...
I know this might not be what you guys are talking about but I've volunteered a number of times and it wasn't community service or anything... Basically me and another guy were doing motivational speeches in a room with a handful of people with agoraphobic relatives/friends.

Do you know how weird that was :D Usually the motivational speaker is just one person and I ended up talking more than him because he actually started DEmotivating the crowd... I also ended up helping the organizers find suitable, compact places because we were expecting a few agoraphobics to attend after all.

It was a powerful experience being able to share your own... experience. I saw my past self in many of those affected by the disorder and it was like talking to a crowd of old me's @_@


Well-known member
WOW, thanks - never knew something like that would exist... The older lady is on very low income and well, the street has been worried about it a bit.. Do they test for cats diseases too? Would the team catch cats too? And is it all for free or for pay? (who pays?)

I'm not from US or English speaking country, so I guess I'd need to Google something else.. I'm thinking of an organisation that could help maybe.. not sure if they'd come this far though.. Do you have good experience with older people 'allowing' this sort of thing, or could they be odd about it? (Not sure how she'd like it lol..)

A lot of people tend to be funny about the idea, but those are usually the ones who think that spaying and neutering animals is somehow cruel (that blows my mind). But if you explain to her that she gets to keep the cats and still take care of them (if she wants to), then I can only imagine that she would have no reason to go along with it. And yes, the organization I work for does test the cats who are showing symptoms of serious diseases, and they get vaccinations too! Typically the caretaker pays for the surgeries, though I'm sure that different organizations have different methods of helping people out with money, etc.