I have a FB profile but I don't know why either. Maybe it's the part of us that wishes we did have what others appear to have. Most of it is an illusion anyway. Look at the people who pad their friends lists by friending everyone they so much as walk past in a store. Who would want to have 500+ friends on their list? How could you possibly keep up with that if they were all truly interacting with you on a daily basis? It's silly.
I deactivated mine once and came back. When I deactivated it I gave some warning in case someone wanted to stay in touch through email. I was asked by one person why I was deactivating and I said I no longer saw a point to it. Now I think I offended that person and they think I meant they were stupid for not deactivating theirs as well.
I have less than 20 people on my list. Several are relatives and I'm still weary of whether I should have accepted them considering everyone in my family are gossip queens but then I don't say anything on my wall that means anything anyway.
It truly is a "me me me, look at me!" kind of site.
I'm not afraid to ignore people who friend me that I barely know and I'm not afraid to bump people off my list if they haven't said a word since I added them. What are they gonna do about it? Write me an angry email describing how angry they are? They'll live.
I think FB could be a hindrance to any kind of progress people with SA have made. Feeling inadequate when comparing total friends, being aware that we are never tagged in group photos because we are rarely if ever in any group photos, and becoming paranoid about what those few people on our lists are thinking about our mediocre profiles. Therapists would probably scream at us to delete our profiles ASAP.