Well-known member
It's hard to get a livable wage job with SA. Yesterday I got two call backs from companies that seemed great. I was excited but then I had to call back. The first call the lady on the phone asked me interview questions right away and then I kind of just stumbled and tried to be honest but I think I exaggerated a bit (just a little). She said she will email be to interview in person so that's good but still no email and it's been 1 hr lol. After that I had to call another place (where im more interested in working) the guy wasn't there so I left a message. The message sounded terrible. I just said hi this is fnuesfk um um I would like a call back at 123443 (mumble) or 2343 (uh) okay please when you can have a good day thank you thanks... :kickingmyself: It's hard hbu how did you get a job if you have one?