Trembling lips shaky hands and dry mouth


Hey everyone,

I've been having this weird problem I'd say the past year of my life. Whenever I feel nervous or out with friends, my lips will start trembling and my hands will start trembling pretty badly. Even when I am out with the same friends I've known since high school, just the thought of someone looking at me or feeling nervous will make my hands tremble pretty badly.. The worst part is taking a picture with people staring at me or evne the thought of people looking at me, then my lips will start trembling and shaking so badly! Has anyone ever experienced this? I hope there is a way to remedy this.

Also, when I'm around people im nervous with or make a speech in class my mouth gets extremely dry
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Well-known member
I remember back during my young teen years, my eyes would always water when I crossed paths with someone while taking a walk. As soon as they got 20ft from me, my eyes would swell up with water as if I was about to cry. It drove me NUTS! I wasn't even afraid or nervous, I couldn't understand it. But, I guess there was some underlying fear/anxiety there. I started lifting weights and kept telling myself, "you're not scared". It took a while but soon I was able to pass someone without my eyes watering up.

You might need some type of exposure therapy. Hang in there!

P.S Bring bottled water to class for dry mouth episodes.


Well-known member
I think that gave me the confidence that I needed. I don't know much about Exposure Therapy but I would imagine a therapist would try to acclimate you to situations with people.
I'm no expert but it sounds to me like nerves. Almost like you are really nervous. My hands sweat and I get an odd sensation in my stomach myself. If it were me, when it happens I would grab a water or something and put my other hand in my pocket, that way nobody will see trembling hands and your mouth won't be dry. Might not solve anything but no one should notice:)


Well-known member
Nearly 2 years ago, I came on this site and asked pretty much the same question. Even when I was doing something incredibly ordinary, like standing in line to buy something, I would still experience a dry mouth and trembling hands. But I found that if I have enough time to compose myself, by breathing more slowly and gulping discretely a few times, then it does help you to feel more in control of the situation.


Well-known member
When I get anxious, my teeth chatter and my lips tremble a bit. I try to act normal and look around, sometimes smiling wantonly, just to prevent people from noticing my trembling. It helps to have something you can focus on. If you're waiting, you can play with your phone or read a book so that you don't notice all those people around you. I also have dry mouth but I think it's due to low saliva flow, which is probably genetic. I bring a bottle of water with me everytime I go out.


Well-known member
I get a "trembling lip" nervous twitch sometimes, usually when there's some kind of confrontation or perceived confrontation, it makes me look like i'm going to cry and I hate it, its so embarrasing.


I tried ordering some St. Wort's pills and mood relief pills from Amazon so we will see how that goes.. Has anyone tried meditation asa way to combat anxiety? I also have an appt with a psychiatrist in May.


Well-known member
Really?! What part of the process helped the most?

I had to introduce myself to 30 people in thirty minutes and they were all very receptive. I realized that theres no danger in it. I knew how to introduce myself. "i dont think ive met u before, my name is diend. Whats urs?"


Hi everyone, wanted to bump up this thread since I am still experiencing issues, any thoughts? I am reading into mindfulness meditation and may try that


Well-known member
Hmm yeah I know what you mean, except i would have these awful nervous ticks. This would happen when ever somebody raised their voice or was shouting. (This would happen when I was in school). I would also get them when I made eye contact with someone.

Well for me, this took time to get rid of. I know this might seem a bit harsh, but I just tried to bear it. I tryed to overcome it. I tried to calm my self down by breathing slowly and calmly. Another solution that helped me overcome this was by chewing gum.

This might be tough, but try to remain calm. It's easier said than done.
Hope I helped!