Too much time and yet not enough

I don't know... it's like the days drag on and on and on to the point where I can barely take it anymore... but when there is something I would like to do, such as try and make a friend or two on here... I just don't.

I'm sorry. I'm just shit.


Well-known member
I'll be your friend! Send me a private message anytime. But, I may take a while to respond as it is not easy for me to get online. I have to go to the library or a cafe for internet access.


Well-known member
It sounds like you need to fill up your day with errands. Start small, like doing the dishes or washing clothes or vacuuming - you'll see that being active and doing something will help you not drag out the day too much.


Well-known member
You can take the time to learn new things, explore new hobbies, or improve your existing skills.