to shy to say hello ill just sit in the corner


im michael im young(20) just come out of psychiatric hospital,im going to do my best outside now. Im having to get used to being out in the community by myself as before i had people with me where i couldnt do anything by myself.
I suffer with strong social anxiety and have low self esteem/confidence,ive been seen not to go out for days if i had my hair cut,too scared for others too see me and make me look a fool. Same with clothes,be scared to wear or even try new clothes incase other people dont agree they look good on me. Same kind of thing with my routine everything stays the same. Basically what everyone else does i just dont fit in but yes it is my head just mushed lets hope my phsycologist can sort me out for good

i am doing little things tho to keep myself busy and to try overcoming it. I taken my dog for a walk 4 times now and i went quite far and i passed lots of people and did fine...its just the minute i walk into a shop i go to pieces

this site will be a safety net for me thanks very much and hope to post and keep you updated more


Well-known member
hi :)
good luck michael :)
i hope you will make it, sounds like you are making good progress so far :)

do keep updating :)



Well-known member
Hey dude. Things seem to getting better for you and hope they continue. I used to be VERY anxious about going into shops but I'm alot better now. I found that going to say Wal-mart or the other huge stores helped as most people don't give you a minute of their time, Including the staff too.
Good Luck Mate