tired of the d@mn "introvert advantage" hype


Well-known member
Just an observation from being employed in the 'work force' for the last 15 years of my life. Success in a work environment is
~10% of what you know
~90% of who you know and get along with

There always seems to be only a few people driving progression forward, who unfortuantly have to carry a bunch of others who only come to work to waste time till they can go home.

I apologise, probbaly way off topic.

nah that's a good sidepoint actually. i've noticed this over the years working for the company i'm at also. basically the loudmouths on the job who're good at getting along with management but maybe just mediocre when it comes to actual work skate ahead and get promotions/raises etc. while the silent introvertive grinder does more (probably menial) work for less and carries his/her coworkers to their success while scrubbing toilets::(:.

i saw this in an article btw... "Perhaps in a year or two the highly sensitive person will be Time's person of the year!"

great... lets' just continue putting the spotlight on all anti-social groups and use the worldwide exhibition of their constant mode of suffering as a distorted means of helping them (somehow?)


Well-known member
^^yeah i have actually read articles that claim its not so bad to be very sensitive or shy.they go on to highlight the good things but in this world, it is NOT a good thing at all to be very shy and sensitive.especially if you are a guy..i can see maybe 1 benefit of it and the rest are negative..