Tips on telling someone you dont have any friends:(


Well-known member
Well i made a friend in colllege and she introduced me to one of her friends. I really liked her and ive been hanging out with them a few times over the last month. But i feel shes been hinting for me to introduce her to some of my friends but i dont have any:( what should i do. I dont want to scare her off


Well-known member
I personally think that if someone truly likes you, they won't care whether or not you have friends. If you do tell her, and she doesn't speak to you again, then the "friendship" isn't worth your time.


Well-known member
It really depends, if you feel comfortable with lying you could make up something like....

"I don't really have that many friends but I had 3-4 really close friend who I kinda grew up with and just recently I decided to stop hanging out with them because they got into serious drug and crime problem"

or put it real simple and say something like...

"the people I used to hang out with, most of them were into bad stuff like drugs and gambling so I decided to put some distance between myself and them..."

If you want to be honest with this person and not scare her off....It's going to be really hard. And it really depends how honest you would like to be with her. If I had to guess, the real reason you have no friends is because of social anixety/phobia...I'm not sure you wanna tell her that.
But if that is really the reason why, then how come you hang out with her and her friends ?


Tell her you have no other friends and see what she says. Make sure you post about it, because I am curious.


Well-known member
I don't know how to help, but I wanted to say that I'm glad you posted this. I'm always exremely paranoid that someone will ask me something involving having friends. Sometimes I rehearse what I would say. I don't know if I'd lie or tell the truth. I think if I decided to tell the truth about having zero friends, I'd pretend that it was my own choice. I'd say something like, "I really like just being alone and hanging out with my family." That sounds kinda dorky though. I don't know. I'm as lost as you.


Well-known member
I don't see why it's a problem. Just tell her if you have to. Or even just don't, no harm in that, you don't want to look desperate. Sounds like you must be friends already so why worry?

I only find it hard with my parents. Cause they thought even my old friends were my friends. In reality I had 2 I could call friends at all. I decided I hated them all, they were too nice... in a bad way somehow. One of them went out drinking with some other friends without telling me.. I was his best friend for years and years until he started to subtly "forget" about me (but soo obvious to us lot, do you know what I mean? I notice things like that which makes me shy away from everything)

I could never tell my parents that, let alone a new friend. I like to keep things to myself as much as possible


Well-known member
I would hint that some of my friends have left town or have drifted apart.

Is she has been hinting about meeting your friends then she already has a gut feeling that you don't have friends.

Sometimes when people don't know who you are deep down (ie., a good person) they tend to make snap judgements based on what they know.


Well-known member
Well i kinda lost touch with my friends when i had major depression. Then i just haven't made any new ones and my old ones just couldn't understand my new found issues and thought of me was weird. I guess I'm going to stall as long as i can. I don't her to think of me as a pity case as to she ahs to invite me out or ill be home all day.


Well-known member
Has anyone had any experience with this? i know this cant be the first case that has come up id like to hear from other people:)


Well-known member
billy said:
Well i kinda lost touch with my friends when i had major depression.

Fuck that hxc. Same thing happened to me. I thought they were all great people, but when hard times came, WOOSH; Very sorry that it happened to you as well.


Well-known member
When I was a kid people would ask me how may friends I have. Probably because they were curious how many friends a guy who doesn't talk has. I would usually just make up a number that didn't sound to ridiculous.

Girls usually like guys who have friends or at least have a life that doesn't revolve around her.


Well-known member
Once again, I'm amazed at how similar you guys' lives are to mine. It's like a mirroring of all the issues I have.

At this point in life, I just tell people the truth: "I don't have any friends. I don't know why, but I was extremely shy in high school and currently I can't find people who are interested in the same things I am".

Sad thing (and very frustrating) is that I have a really hard time making friends. I can talk to people, but I can't bridge the gap from small talk to friendship.

BTW, I can't admit my lonerness in all situations, but in most I can. Of course, I only admit to people who are trusted.


Well-known member
This is one of the most difficult things for me. I have a hard time making friends. And I find myself ashamed that I don't really have many. The only friends I have are a couple of guy friends. I either say, "I have a hard time relating to girls. Most of my friends are guys." Only because it is VERY hard for me to make girl friends anymore.

I would say something like this to your friend "I lost contact with my friends from highschool." or "We grew apart."


Well-known member
Tell her that you used to have one really good friend that you hung out with all the time, but both of you liked the same girl and he said terrible things to her about you in order to "win" her, and you guys don't talk anymore. Granted, you're telling her you only had one friend, but it's better than none.

Oh yeah, and think of a name for your "friend" in case she asks.


New member
If you want this relationship to be a real friendship then the only thing you can do is tell them the truth. It will come out eventually and this other person may not like being lied to.

I say this because its happened to me. I told a story about how I had friends but then we grew apart, but than that lie turned into a whole fabricated story that I often lost track of. In other words lying like this doesn't bring you any closer to your possible friend. I got ditched and it hurt for a little bit but I did live.

If they get awkward towards it then its obviously not a friendship for you. There are so many people out there like us and there's probably so many people out there waiting for a friend like you.

I wouldn't risk lying. :)


Well-known member
Certainly don't lie in situations like this. That's far more trouble than it's worth.

You know that feeling where it seems like you have to have an explanation for everything and be prepared for any question? Well, the easiest way to counter that fear is to just rely on the truth. You don't have to make anything up, you don't have to carefully consider what the "best" response is, etc.

More importantly, if you just rely on the truth, it allows you to become more comfortable with the truth, whereas right now you might feel unnecessarily embarrassed or ashamed by it.
George Thorogood said:
I drink alone, yeah, with nobody else.
I drink alone, yeah, with nobody else.
Yeah, you know when I drink alone, I prefer to be by myself.

Now, every morning, just before breakfast,
I don't want no coffee or tea.
Just me and my good buddy Weiser.
That's all I ever need.

Cause I drink alone, yeah, with nobody else.
I drink alone, yeah, with nobody else.
Yeah, you know when I drink alone, I prefer to be by myself.

Now, the other night I lay sleeping,
And I woke from a terrible dream.
So I called up my pal, Jack Daniels,
And his partner Jimmy Beam.

And we drank alone, yeah, with nobody else.
We drank alone, yeah, with nobody else.
Yeah, you know when I drink alone, I prefer to be by myself.

Well, the other night I got invited to a party,
But I stayed home instead.
Just me and my pal Johnny Walker,
And his brothers Black and Red.

And we drank alone, yeah, with nobody else.
We drank alone, yeah, with nobody else.
Yeah, you know when I drink alone, I prefer to be by myself.

Well, my whole family done give up on me,
And it makes me feel so bad.
The only one who'll hang out with me
Is my dear old Granddad.

And we drink alone, yeah, with nobody else.
We drink alone, yeah, with nobody else.
Yeah, you know when I drink alone, I prefer to be by myself.


Well-known member
..honestly i dont really know..i wish i can help you..but im pretty much in the same situation and the thought about it actually happening to me scares me to death. w/e man. :roll:


Well-known member
chris87 said:
I personally think that if someone truly likes you, they won't care whether or not you have friends. If you do tell her, and she doesn't speak to you again, then the "friendship" isn't worth your time.

Agreed! if it was me i wouldn't be judging or keeping count of you, if your friend is very sociable then perhaps they want to meet as many people as possible so if they reject you on that then they arn't worth your energy anyway

you can always sugarcoat it a little, say your friends moved overseas or to another state or you had a fight ..does a cousin or family member count as a friend? acqaentances? ...