Times when the universe was against you


Well-known member
Whether the universe truly was against you or not, this thread is about times when you FELT like the universe (or God) was against you.

There are two main times in my life where I truly felt like this.

First, I did not have a roommate my first year of college. I was supposed to have a roommate, but she was a no show. I had the whole idea of meeting my roommate and becoming friends and going out together to all of the orientation events those first couple weeks of school. It worked out like that for most everyone else, but not for me. Instead I was by myself and had to try to go out there myself to meet people. It certainly would have been easier if I had a roommate where we could have both leaned on each other to get out there and meet new people. My cousin started college last fall and he has become really good friends with his roommates and they are the main people he hangs out with all the time.

Second, when I started at my job, I sat by myself on an island of four cubicles. People in my office are pretty friendly and talkative, but when I first started I got seated by myself so I didn't even have people around me to talk to and to try and get to know. There are now three people in those cubicles, but I still feel like I'm on an island by myself a lot of the time. Especially in the morning. I come in an hour earlier than the others, so I'm sitting there on my island all by my lonesome each morning.


Well-known member
I feel like that all the time. usually after a while though I feel stronger and lucky to have gotten through it.
It's very much an up and down coaster.
there have been a lot of intense lows in my life where I just feel like what the hell did I do to deserve this.. was I some murderer in a past life.. wtf.. but it always seems to work out


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The few times that i have felt like today might be my day & so i go purchase a lottery ticket...& they read em off & its not even close :( ..someone didnt get the memo that I was playing that day..I always say to myself..why not me..I was supposed to win...i needed it..i figure im not alone in that though :(

Also one time..I was driving in center lane in chicago doing bout 65 mph with flow of traffic...ran over a tarp strap..i managed to hit the little hook part on the end of it....tire blew out....I had to get to the side of the road wile on 3 wheels & rubber flying & people on both sides of me....also lost the people I was traveling with (following)...they never knew what happened to me..i had no cell phone in those days.....they didnt notice me slowing....i had trouble with tire jack..took forever to fix it..got to destination like an hour later than my party....lucky i found the place by myself cause I wasent really familiar with that place at the time.
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yea, mine came directly after a time when I vividly felt the universe had aligned in my favour. Then suddenly my whole world came crashing down around me. Firstly my parents got divorced and we had to sell the family home, of which I was still living in. So I had to move out which was terrifying and I began to watch my family divide who were the most important people to me in the world. Then my dad got heavily depressed and suicidal and I had to carry a lot of that weight which really overwhelmed me and led to me getting depressed too. Then I got this huge writers block and I lost my faith in God....basically the only other pillars in my life that gave me meaning.

so yea it was bad! :(.....but I'm better now! :)....and most importantly, I feel way stronger for it too.