I'd prefer Ron but only if he's Harry. po-tay-to or po-tah-to?
IGotSeoul Well-known member Jul 15, 2011 #1,441 I'd prefer Ron but only if he's Harry. po-tay-to or po-tah-to?
superario Well-known member Jul 15, 2011 #1,442 Po-tay-to. Sweetened tea or unsweetened tea? (Not sure how people like the latter but...)
IGotSeoul Well-known member Jul 15, 2011 #1,443 Unsweetened (bwahaha). Black coffee or far less masculine coffee?
superario Well-known member Jul 15, 2011 #1,444 Definitely far less masculine coffee. (I'm a girl, so it doesn't matter to me, haha) Lemonade or orange-ade? (it exists!, and it's not orange juice)
Definitely far less masculine coffee. (I'm a girl, so it doesn't matter to me, haha) Lemonade or orange-ade? (it exists!, and it's not orange juice)
IGotSeoul Well-known member Jul 15, 2011 #1,445 Orange-ade by default (not a fan of lemonade). This or that?
superario Well-known member Jul 15, 2011 #1,446 Wow. Tough one. Um, I would say this but I suppose I'm a bit biased. So, that. That. Salad or...grass?
Wow. Tough one. Um, I would say this but I suppose I'm a bit biased. So, that. That. Salad or...grass?
IGotSeoul Well-known member Jul 15, 2011 #1,447 I believe grass lacks sufficient nutrition for humans to survive on, so salad. Tap or spring water?
superario Well-known member Jul 15, 2011 #1,449 Crocodiles. White with black stripes or black with white stripes?