thinking of killing yourself but too afraid to actually do it?


Well-known member
Life is very bloody hard. I actually think living is harder than dying, and I try to live my life knowing that I could make it and actually improve things. Not that I'd even see things, but whenever I do die, I don't want anyone to feel sorry for me or pity me. I think that's the worse thing for me. I HATE people feeling sorry for me or having pity for me. I'd like to think that whenever I die, people remember me for someone who lived a great life and wasn't such a waste of space.


Well-known member
You gotta keep pushing life is a grind,if you give up your a bigger sucker than if you have to go through life with SA or whatever disability you have, go with the cards you were dealt and be more mature about.


Well-known member
Dying is always the easy way out of life. I can understand people wanting to kill themselves when they have lost everything and have no reason to go on. But if you work at life it can get better you will find things in live that you want and your not the only person to want to end it all.


Well-known member
ive been thinking of killing myself since i was a kid, im still doing it today.
all the time i just wanted to die and ive always try to kill myself but i know in my head i really have no guts to actually do it.
ive been suffering depression since i was a kid.
ive always fantasize about killing myself but i know that its not really going to happen. i know it sounds weird but it has became a habit to me.

Don't worry, you are definitely not alone in this. I feel the exact same way. I get to a point where I'm so terribly depressed, that I wish I could just end it. I often think about how easier other people's lives would be if I were to just disappear. Would they even have a funeral if I were to go through with these thoughts? Very doubtful. Will they mourn? Maybe a little, but not enough to disrupt their lives.

My mental problems make me miserable. So miserable to the point where I wish I could off myself. Yeah, emo. But it's true...and I know how you feel. I'm the same way...just too scared to do it. I mean, I may as well...but I can't. I'm a hypochondriac. I'm constantly worrying about my health. Worrying over my health is practically my life. How in the world would I be able to actually kill myself? I wish I could, though. Most days, I wish I'd just get hit by a bus.

Sorry this is horribly depressing.