Thinking about quitting my job


Well-known member
after working in a call center for 4 years and hating every second of it, I really just want to quit. Sure i have about $ 1000 of debts, no savings, still in school, but I feel like I'm just losing my mind over there. I never wanted to quit a job without having another one, but I'm just in a bad mood and depressed every time I know I'm working in the next few days or the next day.

I barely worked during my winter vacation, i could from 3 to 9 hours a week, yet it still felt like too much. Taking time off helps but it get void within my return to that place

I have been looking for a job for the past 4 years as well, but I failed every interview I went to ( or there was always someone better than me). I just want a job where I shut up and work with the less amount of people. I wish I could work in a warehouse, but i'm currently injured.

I just don't know what to do any more


Well-known member
Hey I know how you feel! I've also been in a similar situation not more than 3 weeks ago. Hey you lasted 4 years at a job, and at call center too?. Wow your a soldier. I know how hard it is to work at a job that deals with talking with people over the phone, specially with our condition, its a night mare. Well you managed to stay there for 4 years. You fought your fears, your a strong person..the best advice i could give you is Just don't quit your job yet till you find a new job. Its hard finding jobs these days in this economy. I quit my job of 3 years in 2009, it didn't pay well but it was a steady job. To this day I regret quitting that job.


Well-known member
I've been in your position (hating a job to the point of absolutely dreading every day I was supposed to go in) but personally I think you should stick this one out until you find something else, as Jegan says.
That great feeling of 'knowing you don't have to return' is only temporary and in time you wouldn't want to find yourself suffering another stress - this time from the lack of income.
By all means look elsewhere and use your dislike of this current job as the catalyst for that, but just stick with it for now.
I think everybody at some point of their youth has to do a horrible job. It's how you figure out the job that would be right for you in the long-term.
'Just take the money and run' is what my dad used to say when I was in a job I hated. Do the work, take the money and as soon as you find something else - bye bye job!


Well-known member
I understand what you´re going through. I don´t know what the right solution is for you, but I have found that whenever I quit a job or got fired, something else would come, one way or another.
I once had a job in a call center, and it was horrible. I would get so nervous. Just going to work, I would get nervous on my way there. And making calls was even worse. I worked there for about 6 months, and then I got fired, because I wasn´t making enough calls/having enough succes with the calls I did make.
So I managed to find another job, that was equally meaningless and boring, but less horrible, as it didn´t make me as nervous. It was a job for an internet company / webshop, and my job was to check orders in the webshop, pack the items, go to the post office and send the packages. I was alone most of the time. I worked there for 2 years and even got a pay rise. Then I quit because I was getting so depressed with that job, plus I had to move to another city.
Since then, I haven´t had a job and I´m receiving unemployment benefits.
Anyway, that was just to tell you how things went for me.....
I think that the kind of jobs I´m able to get, are pretty depressing and I can´t stand them for long.
Cleaning in offices and kindergartens was the kind of job I liked the most, actually.
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Well-known member
Yes, like others have said it is probably best to stay there for now but you have done well considering. I have known some people even without SA find that sort of job stressful. It may also be beneficial to go to one of those job agencies where they help people find work that is more suited to your preferences. I am not sure about if there’s anything like that where you are from but some of those job agencies help people with conditions like ours into the work force and find work that is suited to us or at least supportive of what we are going through.


Well-known member
This is a really not-fun situation to be stuck in.

I worked at my previous call-centre job and i was absolutely miserable. The work itself was fine, it was the people. I was constantly bullied and harrassed to the point where i had a nervous breakdown.

I quit without notice, out of spite. It was stupid, but i wanted to deliberately screw over their day to get back at that by quitting without word. Sure, it felt good. really good. But i didnt have anything lined up and that was a whole new can of worms later.

I know it sucks, but there IS an end to to it, but i say do it the smart way and find somthing else. It will be much less damaging to you later.