Think of some good things people said about you...


Well-known member
"Quiet frankly, I think you are the best writer in the class. You are a unique personality." --Freshman English Comp professor. This is truly the best compliment I have received. It made me feel okay with being different. And, I love any compliments about writing/art (two passions of mine that have died down)

And I have many teachers recognize my hard work and being a great student. I've always liked hearing that because I consider myself a slow learner at times (I even stood back a grade.) So, any compliment about me being smart makes me happy. I have always thought many people consider me 'dumb.'

And finally, I wish I had saved this, but a fellow classmate wrote something for me one day and sent it to my email. I can't even explain the essence of the piece, but it talked about how we were alike and how I was different kind of beauty that you don't see everyday. It was just amazingly written.


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These people who were just acquaintances suddenly, usually at the end of the year, tell me that I'm amazing and incredibly cool and so forth. This has happened several times. I always wonder if they mean it or not because these are often people that I didn't know too well. Maybe they just like to say good things about people.

The best compliment on my appearance I have gotten was one day when some of us were discussing makeup and I said that I never wore any. One of the other girls said, "Really? I thought you wore makeup every day!" I was so flattered.

A lot of my teachers say wonderful things about me. One of the best things I have heard from an adult was from a school club sponsor. i was trying to organize a party for the club and he said, "I know you'll work something out. I have faith in you. Always, always, always."


Some people say that I'm smart. But alot of times I just take slower paced classes just to get better grades.


Well-known member
Screwdriver1020 said:
Rodox said:
That I am such a nice guy,But I am not, I am a bitter,disgusting mother******.

What. The. Hell.? I guess positive thinking doesn't work in this room lol.
Sorry about that,i was in a very bad mood that day, sorry........


Well-known member
"Your photography is freaking sexy" - lol thought i'd quote it exactly

oh and i'm a dark horse supposedly :eek:


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I really like this idea! We need some positivity up in here! 'Cept, I can't think of a compliment! Other than, "You are really pretty" said last summer by a 7 year old girl my friend and I passed on the sidewalk one afternoon. It was so sweet and unexpected that I still remember it! :D

One thing I notice though is how a lot of the compliments posted are followed by a statement either justifying the compliment or negating it. Come on guys! Take a compliment! Don't say why it isn't true! Just Enjoy! :D


I remember back in my early teenage years, my cousin told me I was funny. Which stands out in my mind because it was probably the first compliment I had received in years. It also took me back a bit, because I had never really thought of myself like that.

The most peculiar thing is that afterwards, it became a sort of identity which I tried to live up to. And I've gotten hundreds of compliments to the same effect since then, so I guess I have. What puzzles me is... would I have acted the same way without the compliment, or did I become funnier because she made me believe I am? 8O 8O :?: :?: :?: :?: :idea:


Well-known member
would I have acted the same way without the compliment, or did I become funnier because she made me believe I am

That's a good question, but I think that she helped... that's why you should give compliments whenever you can.


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I take compliments as people trying make me feel happy and they know I do not in general. They dont apreciate my efforts much. It's just a chance for them to say something nice to me. That's how I feel.