Psychedelicious said:
I like the general compliments that people give me like, "You have really pretty eyes." or "I like your hair". Those little things even make me feel better. Once someone told me though "You're the strangest girl I've ever met in my life and I just love you". I know some people may take offense to that, but I like being strange. But give me all the compliments in the world, and it's still not good enough for me.
I can't even give simple compliments like that to girls I find pretty
(like you. ooops
) (at least in person)... :wink:
I don't even have female friends. And I couldn't do it because I always think that she could consider it some kind of "sexual interest" or invitation to a date.

I only know my female cousins... and compliment them would be even weirder than a normal girl. :lol:
Ok, "some good things people said about" me...:
I was very quiet at school and had lot of respect for teachers. The problem was: I always was in the worst classes, lots of noise and stuff like that. I was some kind of "good student" example.
The teachers normally pointed at me:
- "Why can't you all be good boys like him?!"
Everybody used to looked at me and I used to blush a little and go crazy nervous inside! ("DAMN, not again")
But at the end of the day, it was a good compliment and I always felt good and proud every time that happened. :wink: