**** the world, nobody is innocent...


Well-known member
Sometimes, just sometimes all I can do is laugh. Sure poverty, starvation, wars etc. arent funny. But sometimes just little things crack me up, I guess its a coping mechanism, but its a good one.

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Although a parody news network, it still holds a lot of truth in how ridiculous life is, it all depends on how you look at things.


I think it's just a case of taking out one's problems on other people when you're stuck, that's what he's doing. He's right btw, 90% of people do it.
But i think the lowest you can go is accepting that you have to screw people to feel good.
It's not balls he needs, it's purpose.

You shouldn´t take so much to heart what No 1 says. When he says that we all suck I do not find it offensive. I find offensive other kind of things. (After all he is right that we all suck).


Well-known member
the world can be a creepy place.And to generalize since this is what everyone is doing...we made it this way.(i'd like to say they made it,but who are we to stay out of this?)! And since we made it this way it means we can fix it if we stop crying about it and we start working on our selves. just generalizing...


Well-known member
the world can be a creepy place.And to generalize since this is what everyone is doing...we made it this way.(i'd like to say they made it,but who are we to stay out of this?)! And since we made it this way it means we can fix it if we stop crying about it and we start working on our selves. just generalizing...

Amen to that! There is enough finger pointing going around but not enough responsibility is taken.


Well-known member
no point in really replying to this guy or trying to help him. he only wants to listen if you wallow in the same self-pity and anti-society. if you bring up something to counter his argument, he'll just ignore it and avoid it.


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Well-known member
I believe most people are bad, the only thing stopping them is a lack of power.

That's an interesting philosophy... makes a good quote :)

In reality though I believe most people have the potential for evil. Perhaps not on the scale of mass genocide, but for revenge and such.


Well-known member
Cool story, bro is the ultimate shut down to faggotry, obvious trolling, and tl;dr infecting the internets, to which there is no response. It's versatile in that it simultaneously acknowledges the given failure, shows moderate approval, and conveys the fact that nobody gives a flying ****.
I believe it sums the situation up nicely. ED is very useful at times.


Well-known member
no1 ya gotta chillout, you seem to have these theories that you swear are right, and yet they dont lead anywhere...youre so pessimistic...f***ing fine, you may be right about some things but to say the only way is to be a recluse is false. youre wrong about a lot of shit man, and until you acknowledge the fact that you just dont know about certain things, you wont change your attitude. it starts with a change in attitude, focus on some positive stuff and realize that the positives exist and others are capable of noticing them. negativity leads to even more negativity, stay positive as much as is humanly possible