The words of a bully or brutal honesty?


Well-known member
Honestly I don't know how the law is where you're from Cynic, or why they would "choose" the bullies side over yours if you're being harrassed.
Because, while never decalred, it is tacitly accepted everywhere that some have the authority to bully others.

That's when you have to take action if thats the case, into your own hands. Read up on the laws and your rights. If not, a lawyer is an option.
I once asked a counsellor who is also a magistrate about the laws regarding assault, and he agreed that I have no rights against assault as I'm "no one important". Even the law agrees that some have the right to bully others.

I sure as hell wouldn't go down without a fight (phys. or otherwise) if I had too.
Have a fight by all means. Ultimately you end up in jail, hospital or both, and when you're back at the school, workplace, home or whatever, the bullies will be waiting to give you more grief, and will have a blank cheque to do so.

School's have policies on everything from wearing midriffs to having fights.
They don't have to enforce these policies if the complainant has no status or respect from anyone. That is the hard fact.

Don't forget about the INNOCENT victims here, and they ARE innocent
That is rather subjective, and the authorities can manipulate the situation whichever way they like.

Yeah, that's the problem with bullies. They're cowards. They don't know the meaning of a 1 on 1 fight
They don't have to when they have the backup. Governments send police and armies to enforce their agenda. Are they cowards? No, and bullies are playing the same game.

I'm thinking of this sort of situation: your typical "happy slap" scum.
I saw that video about 3 years ago. He sure sorted out them 2 gimps. Don't fuck with him or his bird, lol. :D


Well-known member
They don't have to when they have the backup. Governments send police and armies to enforce their agenda. Are they cowards? No, and bullies are playing the same game.

I dunno if I can agree with that bit. It's too different. The police on the whole are regular, well intentioned people with a job to do. The only reason they would use numbers is because they represent the law and cannot be seen to be an easy target to rebel against. The main reason they don't try to make arrests alone is because they can't afford to fail, heightened by the danger of coming up against multiple targets.

Bullies are just thugs from the street, and they most certainly ARE cowards because they certainly wouldn't pick a fair fight. Bullies don't represent anyone or anything other than their own cruel pleasures. I'm talking about REAL bullies now, not the glorified gangs you get in movies.


Well-known member
Bullies are just thugs from the street, and they most certainly ARE cowards because they certainly wouldn't pick a fair fight.
Most animal species hunt in packs. Humans are no different. They got out in packs and hunt for prey.


Well-known member
I disagree with sueing all together, tbh. Especially when it's "Oh noes, I fell of a 10ft wall cause I was being a tw*t, I'm gonna sue my employer!"

I feel strongly about this point. No doubt I will be seen as sexist by some but yeah, I'd feel worthless if I couldn't protect my partner from violence. I scare myself sometimes because I seriously think I would kill someone if it came to that, in order to protect them.

I've been thinking about joining a martial arts class for these sorts of reasons. I guess I see it as a measure of my masculinity (the ability to fight well.) Amongst many other things.

Killing someone who intends to do your loved ones harm is perfectly normal. I know that I wouldn't have a doubt and I've never shown any aggression towards other person. I already know Id be prepaired to take the consequences of my actions.
I think that dude has seen too many movies. If only the real world were as simple as he describes.

In my experience, everybody is a wuss, so to speak. Put any of these tough talkers in the right situation, and they're as likely to assume the fetal position as anybody else.

No matter how many karate lessons you take or weights you lift, there's always someone bigger than you, or worse, psychotic, devious, or vindictive, regardless of size. Hence, it is perfectly reasonable to expect those institutions our tax money supports to preserve law, order and justice, and to protect us from deviants rather than taking everything into our own hands. Most self-defense courses will teach you that trying to be a hero or grow beer muscles can be a deadly and stupid move.

Nowadays, girls are as likely to be bullies as men, so all of that John Wayne crap is useless, unless you want your girlfriend to bulk up and grow a set of cojones to defend herself against a nasty rumor...or if you want to go to the nail salon and pound on the gossip girls to defend her honor.


Well-known member
Just reading through a bullying website set up by a young boy who is experiencing bullying himself, and he has a page on 'adult bullies'. However, I'm not sure if this adult really is a bully or if s/he is telling the truth, as there is a lot of truth in what he says, which I have underlined.

As callous as he may sound, I do think the "bully" has a point. It is one's own responsibility to take care of oneself, and to sue a school for bullying suffered is kind of like passing the buck, is it not?

Well, the man is very blunt, and I can respect that but he doesn't know if the boy who is being bullied has any underlying problems such as SA. There is a difference between being blunt and being verablly abusive. Even with good intentions, the man may have crossed the line into verbal abuse.

I can agree that we are overly sensitive at times and perhaps this tough talk is supposed to inspire some sort of progression or action, but for people like us it could actually be detrimental. It's very likely that this kid feels even more inferior as a result of that messge. As if getting bullied and not being able to stand up for oneself doesn't already illicit feelings of inferiority and helplessness.

I really cannot discern from that message whether this man was trying to help or trying to be an asshole.We all know that there are some men who put up the tough front to cover up their own human vulnerability. I wouldn't really take anything that man wrote to heart. I can't stand men who think they're too tough to be compassinonate and understanding. This man has displayed neither compassion nor understanding.

I'm actually thinking about getting on that website and showing the guy my support. I was bullied in high school and I regret not standing up and decking someone in the face.


Well-known member
Why is it that bullies must be beaten the shit out of? Why is it that we have to get into a fist fight with them. I think I can kick ass, but why? I don't like it. I'm not weaker.

Why is it that whenever someone has a bully people AUTOMATICALLY think that person is weaker in physiology and physical combat? We are not even dealing with physical fighting, they are dealing with WORDS and IDEALS.

It's only fair. I believe in dishing out exactly what you get. It's balance!Sometimes people need to be put in their place and need to have a taste of their own medicine. People who have the mentality which you described are the closest that we humans get to only being animals. Unfortunately, that is the only thing that some people understand. There were times when I let people verbally abuse me and humiliate me but had they tried touching me then I would have stood up for myself. I never tolerated physical attacks not even from my parents. It's instinctual.

I remember a bully back in school who was very mean and enjoyed picking on smaller people. The usual story of the coward bully. One day she messed with the wrong girl and went home bloodied and bruised. She treated my friend with respect from then on. Not that my friend wanted her respect but she still put that b**** in her place.


Well-known member
Most animal species hunt in packs. Humans are no different. They got out in packs and hunt for prey.

Very true! But there is always the animal/person who has the will and courage to fight on their own. Hunting in packs is smart although it requires no courage but fighting on one's own deserves respect.


Well-known member
Killing someone who intends to do your loved ones harm is perfectly normal. I know that I wouldn't have a doubt and I've never shown any aggression towards other person. I already know Id be prepaired to take the consequences of my actions.

I can understand exactly where you're coming from. I have a lot of respect a for people like you. I find that I do not have a problem sticking up for those who I love.


Well-known member
A membership to the gym.
An ego - even a small one will do.
A dick and corresponding set of balls.

i wonder how the guy that wrote that response would feel if he was gettin beaten in the street by some 'bullies' and his masculine body or his dick and corresponding set of balls wouldn help and he was calling for help but noone was responding ...i bet he was gonna cry like a little baby.what an ass.

Instead of being inspired by "The Karate Kid" like the rest of us

you were overinspired

As a man... with a penis... and nuts... your job in this case is to purchase one or more of the following:

year 2009

Patrick, this is a wakeup call

this is a bulllying post.and a stupid post.


Well-known member
Most animal species hunt in packs. Humans are no different. They got out in packs and hunt for prey.

I do see where you are coming from, and I agree to a point. However we are a lot more evolved than a pack animal such as a wolf, and we have become civilized - well, most of us.

One gang fighting another gang is not bullying. A gang picking on an individual is bullying, and cowardly. If it were to be down to survival (such as with wolves,) then I guess it would be smart, but when it is simply to feed someone's own cruel fun, it's vile.

Definition of Cowardice: Lack of courage.

I don't see how it is courageous for a group to pick on an individual...