The shakes


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So there's some girl I like that I usually see once a week at work. Well today I was really hoping I wouldn't see her because I just felt sooo sick to my stomach(like I was going to pass out) just thinking about seeing her today. I feel so much more nervous because I'm pressuring myself to ask her out telling myself the next time I see her I'll ask her out.

All I could do was say hi to her when I saw her and just kept doing my thing. I practically avoided her as best I could and now I'm worried.

I can't take this anymore, I really can't.
So there's some girl I like that I usually see once a week at work. Well today I was really hoping I wouldn't see her because I just felt sooo sick to my stomach(like I was going to pass out) just thinking about seeing her today. I feel so much more nervous because I'm pressuring myself to ask her out telling myself the next time I see her I'll ask her out.

All I could do was say hi to her when I saw her and just kept doing my thing. I practically avoided her as best I could and now I'm worried.

I can't take this anymore, I really can't.

You are very nervous. Seems like there is progress though. I don't even think about asking anything. Just move on. Asking anything when in this state is not easy.

Advice from someone who has no advice is me. Especially not on this situation. Others may.


Well-known member
Seeing as you are so nervous it's not a good idea to jump in and ask her out, you might just faint ..

Why not start making little jokes or comments like talk about the manager or something. See what her reactions are like and then proceed accordingly. I would say also to imagine her naked or taking a dump but they are not really gonna help you in a romantic situation lol.


Well-known member
your not alone, just try and know whats happening and know its an absurd feeling and that the worst possible thing that can happen cant hurt you pysically.


Active member
Seeing as you are so nervous it's not a good idea to jump in and ask her out, you might just faint ..

Why not start making little jokes or comments like talk about the manager or something. See what her reactions are like and then proceed accordingly. I would say also to imagine her naked or taking a dump but they are not really gonna help you in a romantic situation lol.

I feel like I was doing pretty good the last few weeks until I decided I wanted to ask her out, then I just lost it completely. All other girls I've asked out have taken me months to ask out and I really thought I was going to ask this girl out quicker than ever. I've known her about 2 months now, so I think the quicker I do it the easier it may be. I hate constantly worrying about it.

It's hard to tell if she likes me or if she's just being nice. I catch her looking at me all the time but maybe she's just looking in my direction, I don't know.

I haven't even been on a date in close to 4 years too, so that's something to worry about too. The longer I wait the harder it gets..


I say go for it. Life is too short - and from a woman's perspective, I think it's charming that you are shy and nervous. It shows that you are sensitive and genuine - a rare quality these days. What's the worst that could happen??? If she says no, then go on, but dwelling on it will be a waste of your time.

Good Luck :cool:


Well-known member
id just walk up to her if i was you with a bunch of flowers , and say hello im not to good at this sort of thing , im very nervous even doing this , but sod it im doing it anyway :) do you have a bf :confused: if not can i have a bf application form please :) ..... dude what the worse that can happen :confused: ... she says no .. well thats life mate happens to us all ... iv been rejected like a bent coin in a fruit machine b4 .....


Active member
Yea she could say no, but it can just make it really awkward around her from now on if I do. How do you deal with the awkwardness? That's probably my biggest setback of all.


Well-known member
Yea she could say no, but it can just make it really awkward around her from now on if I do. How do you deal with the awkwardness? That's probably my biggest setback of all.

well then that being the case if she says no , just say ok smile and say ok just thought id ask and leave it there mate , but dont think about it to much after , dont dwell on it , if you see her just say hi wink and walk past , she will probably feel just as akward as well ... just carry on as normal , just look at her like a work mate , give it a few days you and her will forget about it , but only if you act casual around her , you can do it simply by refusing to let yourself dwell on it ... you never know she might come back to you at a later date ;) but only if you act casual around her ..... good luck


Well-known member
I like the flowers idea..a small note left for her with a cup of tea or coffee and definitley say hello and maybe say or do something cute or silly as well when you fist see her...until you get comfortable that is to make your move.

Its sounds promising so please DO NOT GIVE UP you seem to be making progress..they say visualizing the outcome you want also helps THINK POSITIVE!!!!! GO FOR IT!!!!!

Ooooh and remember she is probably just AS NERVOUS if not more then don't change your mind!!!!

And keep us posted please:D
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Well-known member
All I could do was say hi to her when I saw her and just kept doing my thing. I practically avoided her as best I could and now I'm worried.

I can't take this anymore, I really can't.

I can REALLY understand what you're going through cause i'm pretty much struggling with myself right now..all i can say to you(and to myself) is to just muster the courage to just go and talk to her...that person has given you all the signs of interests,she's basically "telling" you that it's your turn/job to take the initiative to go and talk to her......go before she starts losing interest in you / she might think that you're playing hard to get/not just interested in her...mine was the latter...she gave up on me..don't make the same mistake as i did...what i'm trying to say to you is, DON'T TAKE TOO MUCH TIME THINKING OF HOW THE RESULTS/AFTERMATH WILL BE...just GO and TALK to HER!the key is "Casual".....good luck!i'm cheering for you! :)


Active member
I can REALLY understand what you're going through cause i'm pretty much struggling with myself right now..all i can say to you(and to myself) is to just muster the courage to just go and talk to her...that person has given you all the signs of interests,she's basically "telling" you that it's your turn/job to take the initiative to go and talk to her......go before she starts losing interest in you / she might think that you're playing hard to get/not just interested in her...mine was the latter...she gave up on me..don't make the same mistake as i did...what i'm trying to say to you is, DON'T TAKE TOO MUCH TIME THINKING OF HOW THE RESULTS/AFTERMATH WILL BE...just GO and TALK to HER!the key is "Casual".....good luck!i'm cheering for you! :)

Thanks man. It would really suck for her to lose interest because she thinks I'm not interested.

She was the one who initiated the first contact with me and now it's up to me to finish it up and do the asking. I feel so much more comfortable around girls when they initiate contact. I can't ever make the first contact.


Well-known member
Thanks man. It would really suck for her to lose interest because she thinks I'm not interested.

She was the one who initiated the first contact with me and now it's up to me to finish it up and do the asking. I feel so much more comfortable around girls when they initiate contact. I can't ever make the first contact.

i feel you man..i just hope the girl that you like won't misunderstand you...


Active member
Well today seemed to go much better for me. My words stumbled on me a little bit once but not too badly. Hopefully it didn't make me look like an idiot. Other than that I was happy with myself. I didn't ask her out but I'm feeling pretty good about it right now. I do need to get this over with and ask.


I think you look more attractive and charming of being shy and nervous about her, for me, it just shows the real you. My friend is too shy to have conversations with her girl but he expressed it in other ways. Action speaks louder than words! Do it the other way. Flowers, chocolates, small note/greetings are now really captivating in girl's heart. I guess you need to make a move now or it might be too late.
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Well-known member
If she says no you can still maybe say something funny like, 'So you love another man, eh?' (and look grim - overreacting it a bit?) or 'so you're engaged then, eh?' or something like that?

You could also make an 'easy way out' for her by saying 'Wanna go for a cup of tea after you finish on Wednesday or are you busy?' or something like that? (This way you give her an excuse to be busy if she wants to, and thus you 'save face'-?) If she says she's busy you could suggest another day or two, or another week, or ask her when would be a good time for her, otherwise just assume she's not that interested at the time or might have someone? (You could ask her that too - directly or indirectly.. I think it's cute when guys ask that too, and you can base further reactions on what she says. If she's not interested, she may invent a boyfriend.. Though if she's shy she might invent one too or not feel comfortable answering to a direct question.. so it might be better to get to know her first and/or find out indirectly.. like 'So what does your boyfriend say about working here? - Or are you married?' or something?)