The Rejection Game

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Well-known member
*Edit: the purpose of this game is to really put yourself out there and feel some rejection, to realize that it's not a big deal to be rejected. You don't have to really mean it when you reject someone, it's just part of the game.*

Social phobia is the fear of social rejection. Facing rejection and realizing it's not a big deal is a big step in the right direction. So let's play a little something called "The Rejection Game" :D

It's easy, the first person attempts to start a conversation, and the next person has the option of:

A) continuing the conversation, or
B) painfully rejecting the previous person and starting a new topic.


FatBob69 (starting a new topic): Hey, who likes corndogs? :D

StonerMannn (continuing the conversation):
FatBob69 said:
Hey, Who likes corndogs?

Corndogs are delish man, I'm down with corndogs. One time I got really stoned and ate a whole pack. Then I went outside for a walk and started puking uncontrollably :confused:

UltimateFlamer (painfully rejecting and starting a new topic):
StonerMannn said:
Corndogs are delish man, I'm down with corndogs. One time I got really stoned and ate a whole pack. Then I went outside for a walk and started puking uncontrollably

You're "down" with corndogs? Is that some kind of gay sexual reference? WTF is wrong with you? Who the hell talks about corndogs anyway? And don't you have better things to do than getting stoned and eating a pack of corndogs? Get a job you waste of life! :mad: New topic: who has a stronger sex drive, men or women?

Hahaha OK so let's see how this game goes. I'll use that topic:

Who has a stronger sex drive, men or women?
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You know if you're the president you have to be born in The United States, so don't be a pinehead ;D! And even if not who cares anyways it's not important. Plus pull-EASE don't talk about politics that is soooooo boring. I don't like making topics but apparently these people suck at coming up with them. I'm suppose to MEAN until I get what I like :Dd!!


Well-known member
You know if you're the president you have to be born in The United States, so don't be a pinehead ;D! And even if not who cares anyways it's not important. Plus pull-EASE don't talk about politics that is soooooo boring. I don't like making topics but apparently these people suck at coming up with them. I'm suppose to MEAN until I get what I like :Dd!!

Hahaha :D but come on, you're supposed to make a new topic, I wanna reject you! :D

New topic: what does everyone think of Dark Knight? Personally I thought it was over-hyped because Heath died, but it was decent.


Active member
well politics runs our world, unfortunately. How is it boring. Also, you know Obama is just a puppet for the people in control. American politics is just an intertwined game of puzzles and chess played over history. I can go on and on about that topic.
New topic: umm...anyone listen to psychedelic music, whats your favorite artist. I use to listen to lots of psy, my favorite artist was Insane creation, best song fly with us. :)


Everyone who listens to psychedelic is doing drugs, your all worthless, not worth the air you breath... go do something more useful with your lifes

Go on tell me what you think about me? If someone says Iam annoying again Iam gonna cut your throats haha

No seriously I like to have sex with old ugly women, the older and uglier the harder I get, anyone else like this? It seems so wrong, thats what turns me so on


Well-known member
Go on tell me what you think about me? If someone says Iam annoying again Iam gonna cut your throats haha

No seriously I like to have sex with old ugly women, the older and uglier the harder I get, anyone else like this? It seems so wrong, thats what turns me so on

Damn you're annoying! Making up a joke topic as a defense mechanism so you can't get rejected eh? Well I'm calling you out on that, and rejecting you anyway, so HA!

What does everyone think of Dark Knight? Personally I thought it was over-hyped because Heath died, but it was decent.


For a moment there you caused me to panic sickjoke- no joke

Dark knight was the shit, what's wrong with you? Are you depressed or something, are you jealous of heaths fame and success?

Anyone else thinks people who watch sport have no life whatsoever


Well-known member
(edit: j_brown if I made you panic then I achieved my goal. You felt some rejection, but now you're perfectly OK, this is how we can help each other realize that rejection isn't a big deal. And nice disses toward me by the way :D)

Anyone else thinks people who watch sport have no life whatsoever

Yeah I never really got into watching sports on TV. Playing is fun, but just sitting there watching is mind-numbing to me.
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I gotta ask you sick joke, did you really mean what you said about me??? Iam sure you did, you just used this topic as a cover to say what you think about me, I got an anxiety attack while seeing the words annoying. Ya don't need to answer I don't trust anyone anyway, ahh I gotta go, Iam feeling unstable


Well-known member
I gotta ask you sick joke, did you really mean what you said about me?

No I didn't mean it. You said not to call you annoying, so I purposely called you annoying :D Honestly I don't really think you're annoying, the idea of this thread is to feel rejection and realize that it's not a big deal, so that even if I really did think you were annoying (I don't!) you'll still be OK.

New topic:

Should cannabis be legalized?


I got a pm from you and Iam not gonna read it, Iam gona get an anxiety attack, if you mean it as a joke or not, it gets to me.... it's weird, I knew beforehand it's just a game but once I read the comment it jus got me, I guess memories of rejection where playing in my subconscious mind... Iam gona read it tomorrow, Iam not ready for it today, I feel to weak.... This might sound weird but Iam not joking.

Sorry to be annoying and posting this offtopic crap
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