The Real person behind your mask


New member
the only person who knows the real me is my sister. shes my best friend and when im with her i have so much fun. we're crazy and silly and we just make each other laugh constantly. we take the piss out of each other and wind each other up. its so relaxed and i can say absolutely anything. she makes me feel like im a really nice, special, fun person. im just me when im with her and nobody else can bring that side of me out. nobody else brings anything like the real me out of me.


Active member
In all honesty, I don't think I myself know the real me. I've been shy for so long, I don't think I have any personality outside of my reclusiveness. (But then again, mabye that's my shyness talking...)
Masks suck. If you can get me to open up, I'm more carefree underneath. Only under certain circumstances, though. Honestly, I hate wearing this ugly mask all the time. The one that makes me never want to meet new people, and just hide away. I'm ready to ditch this thing. I want to take it off today.


Active member
There's nobody, with myself being the exception, that I'm comfortable enough with to let the "real" me shine.
I live my life like a camera is following me around. When I'm alone, the verbal side to all that comes forth. I'm a really dramatic, loud, postitive person. If I didn't totally freak when it comes to having any contact with anyone, I could easily be the Drama Queen of my high-school. ~*~throws tail of scarf behind her and walks away~*~

I tend to open up more around my siblings. Then I'm totally wacko and there's no stopping me. I'm the cheerleader/rockstar/crazy cat lady/Burger Queen/mother/psycho friendless loser/hopeless romantic/teenage girl ALL in one.


Freedom_dreams said:
Once again this website shocks me! I am not alone! Alot of you describe the way I feel so much.

When I'm comfortable with people I am happy, outgoing and occasionally funny but as soon as I lose that comfort factor my mind goes blank, I have nothing to say, I feel stupid and out of place trying to hind and not be seen.

Why does this happen? Why can't we be ourselves, I don't understand... :(

We hide, wear masks, and play chameleons so when others think they are judging us, they are only throwing mud at false façades. Our real selves are safe from critique, hidden deep within. We create our false fronts to protect our real selves.


Well-known member
If you manage to get a glimpse below the surface you will realise that I am actually very interested in understanding people. I like bantering but you will know its all in good spirits because I will be affirming when you're feeling down. I have my insecurities but I try to channel it into relating sensitively with the two close friends I do have. I used to be more of a funny, spontaneous persona as a kid but the "real me" has changed into identifying with shyness. I have more of a calm presence rather than a passionate one, although I often feel a lot inside. If you speak to me on msn I can unleash some of that crazy side :)

Shame I don't entirely trust my positive self-perception. If I do, it will be more about what I can do for others, not what makes me personally appealing.
I'm a hilarious, energetic little fella. The nicest guy you'll ever meet. I've never met somebody that didn't like me I guess I'm just lovable :)


Well-known member
I also become obnoxiously loud and impulsive when i drink too much. I pretty much lose all control. But that probably happens to most people to some extent, don't think it reflect any true personality traits. Dunno, i think i'm quiet, open and ready to laugh/have fun when i feel comfortable around the person, but i have no idea if that's how most other people would perceive it...

Rise Against

Well-known member
People who dont know me think that i am a zombie with no personality... although my friends think im the coolest, funnest person in the world. I have ADHD so i am really hyper and talk a lot. My friends tell me that i am one of the funniest persons that they have ever met. People really like me once they get to know me (ive had 2 people write english papers about me, saying that i am the most inspirational person that they have ever met)... the problem is, i dont know to many people.


I use to be really cheeky,in a flirty friendly teasing sort of way,which would make most people laugh and smile.Despite my best attempts to look and act more manly *growls and beats chest* ::p: I always get labeled cute.Im over opinonated..but i love to discuss and debate things.

Im really affectionate,and id like to consider myself a caring person.I just hope being depressed for so long hasnt destroyed my personality for good.Its been so long anything else seems like a different person.


Well-known member
Mask: I am shy, afraid to voice opinions sometimes, have great difficulty opening up to people and forming bonds with them.

Underneath: I can be very energetic, witty, adventurous, not afraid to talk and opinionated.

Sigh, such a huge contrast.


Well-known member
I just hope being depressed for so long hasnt destroyed my personality for good.Its been so long anything else seems like a different person.

Damn dude, I can't even begin to express how much I can relate to that. ::(:


The question is, which one is the mask and which real person. I don´t think I have a mask, everything about me is me. I may act or feel differently in different situations, but it´s still "me". One thing I know, underneath I am authentic, not fake.


Well-known member
People see me as a quiet, weird kid. They think that I'm boring and generally disagreeable.

But that's not really me. I'm actually really fun to be around. The real me is witty, intelligent, unique and important. This world that I was born into doesn't allow the real me to exist. Society refuses to notice me! I feel like a superhero hiding their true identity. Nobody will find out how interesting I really am, the REAL me. They think that I'm just like everyone else, which is understandable since they have yet to actually meet me. I've never done any of the things that I'd like to because they haven't given me a chance. All I can hope is that someday I'll be able to show them.

lol =)


Well-known member
People who dont know me think that i am a zombie with no personality... although my friends think im the coolest, funnest person in the world. I have ADHD so i am really hyper and talk a lot.

Is it possible to have ADHD and SP at the same time? I guess I'm not too familiar with ADHD? I always thought the school bullies and class clowns were the kids with ADHD. Guess not.


Well-known member
I'm comfortable around my friends - to a point. I have all of these good stories and what not, and i come up with these long explanations to make them sound interesting, but when i tell them something its just a one sentence story... and i get all disappointed ._.
Also, when I'm around people I know, and there's other people there, I try to talk to the people I don't know, and say I'm going to, but I end up talking to the one person that I kind of sort of know, and ignore everyone else.. I try to but I freeze up and my answers are completely stale and it's frustrating.. Like someone asked what i did over the weekend and all i can say is "I don't know"... its like an impulse or something and it's extremely frustrating!